For Forever | Peter Parker [TH]

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After a rough four or so days for me, I am back. I am excited to announce that I do have a series planned based off of the events of Captain Marvel, that after credits scene, and Endgame. It will be a Scott Lang x Reader and will be found in my Marvel Imagines book. Add that to your library if you're interested! It'll be up by the end of this week, and if I'm lucky it'll be up within the next couple of days. 


Peter crouched in front of you on the rooftop, flipping the commands on his web shooters. You stretched the web-shield you'd made in your hands. He changed the settings and then fired a single short web at you. It hit the shield with a flicker of blue. 

You gasped. "Jeez, Peter - electric webs?" you asked. 

"Got the idea from Miles," he said. 

"Yeah, but you shot it at your girlfriend."

"I knew she'd be okay," he said, changing the settings again. 

You made another shield out of webs. "Alright. Hit me with your best shot, Spider-Man." 

He aimed his wrist-


You and Peter ducked. "Whoa!" you shouted, and Peter was next to you, crouched down, his arm over your back. You yanked your mask down and started to breathe heavy. 

"How did our spidey senses not go off?" you whispered loudly. 

"I don't know," he said.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Woman!" 

You didn't recognize the voice. It was deep and rough, and the pauses between his words were slow. "Do you know him?" 

"No," he said. 

"Would it be easier if I called you by your real names, ___ ____ and Peter Parker?"

Your eyes went wide underneath your mask. You turned your head, looking at Peter, who was staring at you, too. Both of you were having the exact same thought:


"Gotcha!" A pair of sharp claw-like nails grabbed your leg suddenly. You screamed, turning around to see a man with a creepy mask on. On his back was a pair of mechanical wings. He looked similar to the Vulture but he was different. 

He dragged you away from Peter. You started to send webs flying from the handmade web shooters attached to your wrists, but he grabbed your arms and twisted them until your mouth was dropped open and a cry of pain was splitting out of your throat. 

Peter had his own problems as he was lifted into the air by another masked and winged figure. They sent him soaring upward into the air. You caught a glimpse of them fighting several feet above the ground. 

"Who are you?" you screamed, fighting the thing standing above you.

Peter shouted from above you. You looked up. 

"Peter!" you screamed for him. You looked back at the masked figure and yanked your wrists free. "Get off of me, you creep!" You shot a web at his face, yanked the mask off-

But before you could comprehend who was in front of you, they had your head in their hands - or claws - and they were slamming it down on the rooftop. 

"Hey! Stop! Let her go. Let-"

One more slam, and you were out.


How hard did they hit her head? How many times?

I don't know! I...

She's still bleeding! It's every...

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