The One Where Peter Finds Out | Ned Leeds / Sibling!Peter Parker [TH]

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This is probably going to be my last imagine until after the weekend. If I have time, I'll another one in the morning, but I am not going to guarantee it. I'll be with my family for the next few days. 

If you guys need to reach me (and please don't feel like you can't), message me and I will get to you as soon as possible.

I love you all. 

This is based on another episode(s) of Friends:  S5E14 & 15


It had taken a couple of years, two jobs, and the saving of every single bit of money that Peter had earned, but he had finally bought his own apartment and officially moved out of Aunt May's. And while his apartment was small and not in the greatest neighborhood, it was right across from yours - his little sister - and he was able to get to work in half the time from where he lived now. 

So Peter was really extremely happy. 

He was opening up his moving boxes. He didn't have much for fill his apartment. You had bought him a few picture frames for his pictures of you, May, and Ben. He had a photo of MJ he kept on the side table. And May had given him a few things: a couple of throw pillows, a vase that Ben had made in his high school pottery class... 

He set everything up and shook his head. He seriously needed to just call you and let you come over and decorate, because this was pathetic.

Peter walked over to the large glass window. He let his eyes look up to the fourth floor on the building across the street. He easily found your window. 

You were home. He saw you standing with your back to the window, speaking to someone that was in the kitchen and out of sight. He turned to grab his phone off the arm of the sofa. He did, and when he looked back to the window, he saw Ned there, which wasn't really anything weird. The friend group was you, Peter, Ned, Flash, MJ, and Gwen. 

Peter started to type out a text, when he glanced back up at the window for the third time-

"... What?" he mumbled.

And he saw Ned wrap his arms around you all the way, yanking you towards him. Your arms flew up to grab the sides of his head and then you both were kissing passionately, leaving Peter to stand there, mouth dropped open in shock.

He dropped his phone on the ground and walked closer to the window. 

"No... no... uh, what- what are you doing? That's my sister!" 


Your lips were still on Ned's. In between kisses, you both would pause to breathe and laugh. Your relationship with Ned had happened suddenly, and you'd both fallen in love so quickly - and pretty much everyone knew except for your brother, Peter.

But you didn't want to think about that now. Right now, it was just you and Ned.

"I love you," he murmured, cupping the back of your head. 

You hummed happily, hands sliding down to rest on his chest. "And I love you more," you said, staring up at him with complete adoration.

Suddenly, there were loud footsteps in the hallway, followed by the violent yanking of the doorknob. The door was locked solely by the chain on it; whoever it was couldn't come inside. 

You and Ned broke apart as you heard, "Ned! I saw you two through the window. I saw you kissing my sister! Now get out here!"

You gasped and jumped away from Ned. He looked at the door and then at you. "Oh - oh crap. Well, uh, listen, we had a good run. What was it? Four, five months? I mean, that's more than most people have in a lifetime. Um, so, goodbye, take care!" He grabbed your face and kissed you quickly. 

You stifled a laugh. But Ned was going towards your window and trying to leave that way. 

You grabbed him. "What are you doing? Come on, Ned. Come on. I can handle Peter."

Holding Ned's hand, you went to the door. You unlocked it and, once you saw the anger on Peter's face, you stepped back, dropping Ned's hand. 

"Hey, Peter. What's up, bro?" 

Peter went in and started to chase Ned. You turned around, waiting until Ned came back to you to grab his arm and make him stand behind you. 

"What in the world are you doing?" Peter demanded. 

Flash and MJ ran in from across the hall. "Whoa - whoa - what's going on?"

"Well I think - I think - Peter knows about me and ___," Ned answered. 

"Dude, he's right there!" Flash muttered.

"I thought you were my best friend!" Peter shouted. "This is my sister. My best friend and my little sister. I-I can't believe this."

"Look, we're not just messing around!" Ned exclaimed. "I love her. I'm in love with her, dude."

Peter just stared. Gently, you grabbed your brother's hand. "I am so sorry that you had to find out this way. Sorry, but it's true. I love him, too." With your other arm, you wrapped Ned up and pulled him close to you.

Peter still just stared.

Finally, he sighed happily. "My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this!" He wrapped you up in a hug, pulling Ned in, too. Then he looked at Flash and MJ. "You guys probably want to get some hugs in, too, huh? Big news!" 

"Aw, that's okay. We've actually known for a while," MJ told him.

Peter's smile faded. 

You swallowed. 

"What - what, you guys knew? You guys all knew and you didn't tell me?" 

MJ raised her hands. "Well - Peter, we were worried about you. We didn't know how you'd react." Flash, terrified, just nodded. 

Peter smiled again. He sighed. "You were worried about me?" he asked. "You didn't know how I was going to react?" He hugged them, too. 

Ned laughed nervously. He glanced at you and whispered, "This is super super weird."

"Tell me about it," you replied through clenched teeth. 

But you all just hugged one another in a big group, happily laughing together. 

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