Best Friends | Peter Parker [TH]

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Requested by jarvisdropmyneedle07

More imagines to come tonight & very early tomorrow morning <3 


You'd pretty much had the worst night ever. All day, every single thing had gone wrong. You'd failed a test you'd studied super hard for, you'd been ignored by every single one of your friends, and you'd had a headache since you woke up.

It was ten o'clock at night, and you were curled up on your bed, crying your eyes out. It wasn't like this day was the cause of all of your pain; you'd been having a bad time for a while now, but this was just the icing on the cake. You were tired of being stuck in this place - a place where you were just being forced to relive every single crappy moment again and again-

Everything was the same. The same pain, the same struggles. The same loneliness. It all felt the same in your chest, on your shoulders...

You were so sick of it. 

Trying to quiet down the sounds of your hiccuping sobs, you turned around and pressed your face in your comforter. 

There was a light scratching on your window. 

Sitting up fast, your heart jumped right up your throat. You pushed up off your bed. There was a figure in front of the glass-

"Hey! You gonna open up or what?" 

Peter. Of course. 

You were annoyed. He'd ignored you all day, but now he was suddenly tapping on your window? What the heck-

You got up and crossed the room. Quickly and quietly, you opened the curtains and unlocked the latches. You pulled up the glass.

He swung his leg inside and ducked out of the outside; there was streams of water running down his face. You stepped back so he wouldn't get you wet.

"I was starting to think you weren't awake," Peter said. "It's raining like-" He took off his mask, shook his damp hair, and beamed at you. Then he took a good look at your face - which must have been swollen and puffy. "Hey - what's going on? Are you okay?" 

And as mad as you wanted to be at Peter, you couldn't. He was your best friend in the whole entire world - just looking at him and hearing his voice made you want to fall apart. He would make sure that you felt okay; he was that kind of friend. 

"No, I am not okay," you confessed, voice breaking.

"Hey, hey, hey," he said, putting his arms around you. Even though his suit was damp and cold, you felt a million times warmer in his hold. He brought you over to your bed and sat down on the edge. "What's going on? Did something happen to you?"

"No - well, yeah. But I-" 

"What happened? You're not hurt, are you?" He put his hand on your back and looked at you.

"No, Peter! Just listen, okay?" you asked, frustrated. 

"Okay, I'm listening," he said. 

"I just... I don't know. I can't... I can't do this anymore." You put your wrists to your eyes and then dropped them on your lap. Gripping your thighs, a loud whine burst out of your lips. "Everything's just wrong."

"Okay, you need to talk to me," he said. 

You looked at him, tears streaking down your cheeks. Shaking your head, you whispered, "Where were you earlier today? I needed you, Peter. I sent you texts, I called you... you weren't there." 

His face fell. "Oh... dude, I'm sorry," was all he said. "There's no excuse for me not being there for you. I just... there was so much stuff going on with Spider-Man - but that's still not an excuse." He shook his head. "I thought Ned would be there for you if anything. Was Ned busy?"

"Yes," you whispered, face in your hands. "I was completely alone. And now I'm just... I'm not okay." 

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you. You had your head against his and you were just letting him hold you. "I'm here now."

You nodded. "I'm still not okay," you told him.

"I know you aren't. And I don't expect you to be. I'll stay here with you until you're okay."

You wrapped your arms all the way around him. "Thank you, Pete," you breathed.

"I love you, you know," he said. 

"I love you, too. And I forgive you for not being here." Turning your face towards his shoulder, you pressed your nose to his collarbone. 

"Jeez, Peter - you smell like a dumpster," you said, pulling back automatically.

"Oh, yeah... that's because I was fighting the Green Goblin... at a junkyard," he said.

"Ew! Peter!" You pointed to the other side of the room. "Get off of my bed. You're disgusting!"

"Right, right - sorry," he said, throwing his arms up. He got up and walked to the other side of the room.

You sighed. "Let me get you some clothes."

"I'm not wearing any of your clothes," he said. 

"Not mine. My brother's. He left for college, but he left some of his clothes here - anyway." You went to your closet and got a Star Wars t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. You tossed them to Peter. "Change into these in my bathroom. And for the love of everything, just keep that suit in the shower or something where I can't smell it."

"Right, right," he said. "I'm sorry." He went into the bathroom. 

Sighing, you sat back down on your bed. Then you felt gross, knowing Peter had been sitting on it with his junkyard-clothes, so you tore off the top comforter and just settled for wrapping the second sheet around you. 

Peter came out of the bathroom. "Your brother... did he seriously wear this shirt of The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker?"

"Yeah," you said. 

He cringed. "It's disgusting. Luke sucks."

You smiled a little.

"I knew that would make you happy," he said. He sat back down on your bed, smelling much better. 

You scooted close to him. "You just make me happy." You leaned against his shoulder and he wrapped on arm around you. "Thank you, Pete. For everything."

"This is just what best friends are for," he said. 

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