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Author: Stephen King

Genre: Horror/Science Fiction

Age Category: Adult

Summary:  Twenty-five years after saving a Down's-syndrome kid from bullies, Beav, Henry, Pete, and Jonesy -- now men with separate lives and separate problems -- reunite in the woods of Maine for their annual hunting trip. But when a stranger stumbles into their camp, disoriented and mumbling something about lights in the sky, chaos erupts. Soon, the four friends are plunged into a horrifying struggle with a creature from another world where their only chance of survival is locked in their shared past -- and in the Dreamcatcher.

My Review:  5/5
Stephen King created this insane concept of how extra terrestrial creatures can possess the human body.  He also created these beautiful, vivid pictures; I could imagine every place he described (which, to me, means the author wrote something amazing). 
Just some advice to people who have never read any of King's books and are planning on it:  most of the time he writes all the background stories and information in the beginning of his books, making them start off slowly; so it takes some time to get into his books, but once you do, they are incredible.

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