Out At Sea Arc (III)

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(M/n) = male name

I decided to just let you choose his name because I mean he doesn't matter much....cause we are all here for Harry!

You were worn out, to say the least, after all the arguing with those prisoners and sexist comments they threw at you.

You had left Harry and the others and went into the deeper part of the ship with the more dangerous criminals you captured. Of course, they were no match for you, I mean, you ARE the daughter of Hades.

You scoffed at the memory of your father. The man who threw you out to die and fend for yourself. He did teach you one this; don't trust anyone, they'll use your trust and stab you in the back. And the first man who seemed decent, (M/n) , had shown you just what your father meant.

What is love? You cannot feel that. You realized, after (M/n) abandoned you, that love does not exist. At least not in your life...

"Fucking sexist jerks! Who the hell do they this they are?!?! They're the ones in a cage!! Why do they think they even have a right to speak!" You not so silently rage.

The criminals in your deep dungeon only watched you as you vented to no one in particular. But one criminal could not keep their mouth shut, their only goal to watch you squirm.

"My, my...(Y/n)! When did you become so.....how do I put this nicely...bitchy?" A voice you almost despised as much as your fathers called out to you.

"Ya know traitor, I might just sew your mouth shut. Maybe you should've have given me that suggestion, traitor. Cause I'm lovin' that option right now.."

"Oh? Don't tell me you're still salty about me beating you at that poker game? I mean you had a good hand, but mine was better." His face was plastered with a large knowing smirk.

"Oi! Who gave you permission to open your ugly mouth? No one so shut the fuck up...." Your eyes brightened at an idea that would finally make this rat useful. "Say Damien! You're a good fighter yes? I know you are, this is perfect!!"

Damien looked at you skeptically, "What are you do happy about?"

You were already walking away, your mood sparkling from the dreary aura you had before. Just as you left to go back to the higher dungeons, you turned back to him with a mischievous smirk. "Let's leave it at this, only the best fighters survive the Grand Arena...so I suggest you brush up on your skills while you are here."

The other prisoners shivered at the mention of the Grand Arena, the worst criminals lied in your deep dungeon, but they've heard the rumors. Once you enter the Grand Arena no one leaves alive...except the victor of course.

You fed off the fear the criminals produced, feeling more confident in your rise to power. You knew keeping all your prisoners of war would come in handy one day. You are the daughter of the god of wealth so anything shiny fueled your greed. Even if you could produce the finest, most valuable metals, money was something you enjoyed flaunting.

You climbed back out to the deck and saw your skeletons fast at work. You watched the sun rise and hung on the side of the boat.

There more days till you can get ye long deserving reward. You sighed as your second in command, Louis, made his way over to your tired form.

"I know you're like a demigod and all but ya still got to sleep, Cap 'n."

Your body relaxed at the familiar skeleton's voice. "I wish everyone was a skeleton. You would never hurt me like these mortals."

"They just don't understand who you are. They don't understand that you are destined for greatness."

"You're just saying that because I force you to trust me."

"(Y/n), you made us with a mind of our own. All of our personalities are different, but we stand with you. You saved our souls from wandering aimlessly through hell and burning for Hades entertainment."

"Funny you say that...I'm going watch these losers fight for my entertainment."

"Well, what matters is you saved us from a painful life with everlasting suffering."

"Okay, Louis, okay." You gave a lopsided smile to your best mate. "I guess I should go get some rest then...I'm a little worn out from all the arguing I did..."

"Alright, see you in the morning, Cap."

"Later, Louis."


You giggled at the skeleton, who was shaking his head and chuckling, and turned in for the night to the Captain quarters.

A/N It's short I know, sue me. I'm not happy it's this short but I had this sitting here and haven't had the time to add more. I'm rewriting my main book and my mom is pissed at my grades. Sorry I'm not a fucking valedictorian like my sister. I'm just dead and have no inspiration for anything, but hopefully I can continue this, maybe get a co author or something. Idk I'm thinking bout it.

Tired af,


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