Isle Arc (III)

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"Take down the barrier. You'll start a new era! A villain era!" Harry exclaimed with his arms wide. "And you can make a big scene, of course! With your magic and everything! It'll be grand! With you...." He stroked your cheek with his hook and lifted your chin up. "...we'll be unstoppable."

You grab his hand to stop him, pulling his hand away, you laugh. You throw your head back with maniacal laughter.

"A new era? Sweetie, I fucking am the new era! You take me for a fool? You just want to get out of this shit hole, the prison! I do whatever the hell I want! And what I want, Hook," You spat his name venomously. "Is to rip that so called kingdom- Auradon, APART! I probably can get some riches there. I'll sail over there and wreck havoc! They won't even stand a chance against me!" Your (e/c) eyes flashed a red before returning to their normal color. "Not even with that traitor bitch and friends." You laugh manically again and turn to walk away.

"Wait-" Harry starts.

"Ah ah ah!" You turn and wag you finger. "I'll only give you this one warning...try and use me again and I won't hesitate to kill you."

With those last words you walk away with a slight sway to your hips, unbeknownst to you entrancing Harry for a second before he curses and looks away with a slight blush.

You make it towards your ship and round up your skeleton crew. You open the barrier and sail through, closing it behind you. You smirked as you set sail for the mainland.

You reached there in no time, since it wasn't even that far away, and you docked your boat.

You jumped out of the boat and set foot on the coast. "Stay here, boys! I can handle this. We won't be raiding this place yet. I want to see if they can put up a fight."

"Yes, Captain!" They all saluted and got back to work on the ship.

You casually walked into the kingdom, your power alerted the people of a dangerous person. The moment they saw you, they screamed and scattered.

You laughed. "HA! How did these mothafuckers beat the villains? Can't even look at me!"

Finally reaching Auradon Prep, you created a dark cloud over the campus. The cloud created a dark and gloomy shadow, freaking people the hell out. You turned to black mist and flew into through the schools door's turning back into your human form.

"Hey, losers." You waved, smirking in amusement.

The Auradon kids looked at you in fear, your smirk only grew as you fed off the fear.

"Hey! You (Y/n) wannabe! You can't just come into our school acting like you own the place!" This brunette bitch shouts at you.

"Sweetheart, I ain't no wannabe. The only wannabe I see is standing right in front of me. You don't own this shit either. Anyways, I've come to speak with the loser king. Get the dude." You snapped your fingers and black mist came at her causing her to scream and run away.

You stood impatiently, tapping your foot on the floor and looking at your nonexistent watch. No one has moved since you sent that brown haired girl off.

You huff. "Boi, what is taking the girl so damn long? I didn't order a fucking feast!"

The girl came back with the king before scampering off, and behind the king was the four VK kids from earlier.

You look this "King" up and down and scoff. "Who is you?"

"I'm King Ben. It is an honor to meet you." He did and slight bow and put his hand out for you to shake.

"Likewise." You ignore his hand and raise you finger and point it at him. "Are you the loser who sent the other losers?"

"Uhh..what do you mean?"

(Ohhh! When you nod your head yes but you wanna say nooo! What do you mean! XD I had too!)

"The ones standing behind you. Ring a bell?"

"Oh..uh yes, we saw there was a disturbance in the barrier to the prison and we sent them to check it out. We had to make sure nothing was wrong." He formally stated.

"Well, is there anything wrong?"

"No. Just you, so we aren't to alarmed."

Mal nudged him violently in his arm, knowing his mistake.

"Oh? So you think I'm not a threat?" You smirked. "I would reconsider those words if I was you. I think I can be very threatening. Well, Ta-ta! I'll be doing my not so alarming acts, so expect me back soon!"

You turn with a spin of the heel and walk out of the building, setting the garden hedges on fire before disappearing in black smoke.


"You idiot!" Mal scowled. "Do you have any idea what you just did? I love you, Ben, but are you trying to get us all killed?"

"I know! I don't know what I was thinking!" He held his head in his hands.

"Obviously you weren't!" Evie joined.

"I didn't want to say she was a threat! I didn't know what else to say!" Ben sighed, frustrated.

"Give him a break, girls. She is pretty intimidating, if I do say so myself." Jay defended.

"What would you know about intimidation?" Mal banged her head on the wall. "We. Are. Going. To. Die."

"Come one, guys! She can't be that bad." Carlos tried.

They all turned to look at him like he was crazy.


"Yes, she isn't bad at all, Carlos. Her exit present is just what we wanted." Mal deadpans before trying to remember a spell to stop the fire. "Fire and flames that dance in this light, let water drowse you without a fight!" The fire goes out and water soaks the garden and ground.

"Is she trying to kill us?" They cry out.


"Mwhahahahahaaaa!" You laugh evilly and sail back to the Isle of the Lost.

You step out onto the ground and let the black smoke lift your into the sky.

"Villains and Children! Today is the day of a new start! This prison will be no more and death will fall upon everyone!!!!" You shout out to the crowd that has gathered. "I've thought about it and since this shit hole has nothing of interest to me, I'll move on! But would I be a Queen if I didn't have me some knights! I'll take this barrier down and the bridge to the mainland will be set and we will be off! I expect fire and blood, if not, I'll kill you!" You turned and smirked towards Auradon. "Prepare for complete and utter chaos!"

They Call Me Queen (Harry Hook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now