It's a trap

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Neymar was lying on his bed. How Messi could do something like that? And why after everything did he want to apologise? Neymar couldn't understand that. But worst of all, he was able to forgive him and it drive him crazy. It was wrong. He couldn't forgive someone, who did something like that without a reason. It was insane. He was insane. It looked like he was in love. Neymar laughed. The last few days were terrible and now he should be afraid, but he wasn't. He has been analysing the whole situation in his brain again and again and he couldn't stop thinking about the last words, which said Messi. What if he really regreted what he'd done?

Neymar touched his swollen cheek. He should go to the coach and told him about everything, but he knew that it will destroy Messi's career and life. He thought that he would wait for one day and see what he should do. Vision of losing Messi from their team scared him, but he will be safer if he get rid of him. It all was too tough to him. He looked at watch and realised that it's midnight. He should sleep, but with all those thoughts, it was impossible. He took his running shoes and he went running.

The following morning, he went to job with fear. He knew, that Messi didn't do anything to him, when he will be near other team members.

"What did happen to you?!" asked Marc, when he saw Neymar's swollen cheek. Neymar had prepared a lie for this situation, but he just couldn't say it, when his friend was looking at him like that.

"I... I... So... There was a girl and..." he smiled a little and looked in the other direction.

"Oh man! OK, I understand, but next time tell me, so we will fight together." Marc breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ready for training?" to the locker room went Luis and he stopped, when he saw Neymar.

"A girl" said Marc, like it could explain everything.

"You'd better win next time!" Luis as always laughed. Nobody ask more question, so Neymar didn't have to make up story. Coach heard the rumor even before the training, so Neymar didn't have to explain everything. Neymar was even believing in this until he saw Messi. It was like gunshot. He ran to the toilet and tried to calm down. He wasn't expected that it will be so hard for him to hide it when he will be around.

"Neymar, are you here?" he heard a whisper. "I want to talk, but I'll understand if you don't want to." Messi sat on the floor. "I want to apologise. I was terrible. I know that you hate me, but I just have to say that I regret everything, not only the situation in the locker room, but also every other situation, which had happend before. I was... I was jealous of your skills and everything, what you achieved." he stopped for a moment and heard that Neymar's sobbing. He wanted to open the door and hug Neymar, but instead of this, he stood up and forced himself to left Neymar. "I should go." he said, before he got out from toilet.

When Messi heard that gossip, he couldn't be more sad. Neymar didn't say about him anything and at the same time he saved Messi's life. After everything Neymar still had a good heart. Messi didn't deserve all this kindness. He had to apologise Neymar, but after did that he didn't feel like it was the right thing.

Trainig was great. When Messi stopped seeing enemy in Neymar, he could focuse on the game. He even said some compliments to Neymar. Why didn't he see Neymar as a friend earlier? After training he took a long cold shower. He had to stop thinking about Neymar, but every time he closed his eyes, he saw himself punching Neymar.

He was going to go back home, when he heard that someone was crying in the locker room. He took a step back and saw Neymar. He wanted to say something but it could only make the situation worst, so he sat on the bench next to him. Messi gave him a little pat on the back. Neymar at first cringed, because he thought that Messi wanted to hit him, but then he relaxed a little bit. When Messi saw this small move, he wanted to take his hand back, but since he felt Neymar's back under his hand it was impossible. He didn't want to end this moment, so they were sitting in silence until Neymar didn't calm down and started packing his stuff to the bag. Then, without even looking at Messi, he got outside.

For a while Messi has hoped, that everything's going to be all right. He also had to go back to home, but he didn't want to. He knew, how lonely he will be there. He took his stuff and decided to go again to the nearest club.

Decision of leaving Messi in the locker room was one of the hardest decision he has ever made. After all, he backed to home on foot. Fresh air and setting sun were reassuring his mind. He was thinking about times, when he play without worries. It was so much easier then. Messi had been only the perfect hero and the worst thing, which could happend was foul on him. He was wondering if he knew about Messi character, he would have wanted to join the FC Barcelona team. Despite all those situation the answer was still "Yes".

"Neymar?!" he heard noise, which interrputed him in thinking. On the street stood a small boy in a sport clothes.

"Yes..." he said, insecure what to do.

"C-can I get a picture with you, please?" small boy asked.

"Of course." Neymar smiled. It was always the best thing in the world taking with small children. They didn't want anything special, only picture or just a smile. He thought that he hasn't smiled for a years. It was so good feeling. "Do you have a ball?" Neymar had some time. Boy noded his head. "So go and bring it. We will play together."

It has been for Neymar one of the best day in Barcelona since his arrival. The boy invited his friends and they all spend few hours on playing soccer. When boys had to go, Neymar gave them autographs and went home. He noticed that all the time he hadn't thought about his problems and he didn't have problems with falling alseep.

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