Hard beginning

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  <It is my first fanfiction, so it won't be the best, because I'm still learning. English isn't my mother tongue, so I'll probably make a lot of mistakes, I'm really sorry for that. I hope you will like this story.>  

He was running across the pitch and was trying to reach the ball. Today nothing worked in his favor. All his passes were misguided, all his goals were offsides and refeere didn't see two fouls on him. He had never had so bad match. Neymar felt how his status of the leader flew away. During the half-time atmosphere in the locker room was terrible and Neymar, insted of talk with the team, tried to find some motivation to survive the second half. The awful atmosphere broke off Roberto:

"We'll show them what we can! Am I right?!" he sreamed, but only few players responded and slured something. Neymar just smiled in a sad way.

He just couldn't feel this atmosphere of the match. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find out what. He was analyzing every move, which he had done, when his coach asked him to talked face to face. Neymar felt a strange squeeze in his stomach, but he followed his coach.

"Please, sit." said Adenor. Neymar wanted to ran away from this place. He imagined the worst scenario. He could see, how he would sit on a bench or lost his title of captain.

"I know that this match is bad and we really need you, but if you want to quit after hearing this information, I and the whole team will understand that." after he had heard that, Neymar didn't know what to think. What could happen? What could be worse than this match?

"I will play with you till the end. I will never leave you!" assured Neymar.

"Calm down, we know that, but..." Adenor hanged his voice and the room filled with the silence. This few seconds were for Neymar like hours.

"Your mother died." he ended. First Neymar didn't understand his words, he couldn't believe in this. He felt like the whole world collapsed in a one second, his whole world dropped out from under him. He felt how all the feelings hit him, they weighted too much for him, so he caught the arms of the chair and closed his eyes. Million things were going through his mind, he even didn't want to understand them. They were too complicated. It was too much for him. He took a deep breath and noticed that his coach was hugging him. He used to like or even love touch of the others, he had never refused a hug or even giving a pat on the back, but now he want to push away Adenor.

"I can handle it." Neymar didn't know how to escape from this room, from this situation. "Give me time, please. The half-time ends in five minutes."

When coach let him go, he ran away to the bathroom. He locked himself up and let his tears fell. It was the last time he cried, after this episode his body filled up with anger, sadness and sorrow, but he didn't want to cry anymore.

One minute before the end of the half-time he appeared in the locker room with determination. Some friends tried to comfort him, but he said that he didn't need help and he was good. He didn't want to talk about the whole situation and everybody understanded that.

They went to the pitch and saw again the whole arena full of people. Neymar tried to focus and, surprisingly, it was really easy for him, the whole crowd didn't bother him. It was only he, the ball and his emotions, his anger and sorrow. He had to expend his energy.

The match ended 3:4 for them. After match people congratulated Neymar, who scored 3 goals and made one assist, but he didn't look happy at all. He took shower in the locker room and went directly to his hotel room. He didn't feel anything, he lost all emotions on the pitch. It was nearly pleasant feeling, he had never been so indifferent to the world.

He didn't want to talk with nobody, what was really strange feeling for him, because he was very open-minded, talkative and friendly. He party hard all the time, he makes friends and looks to the future with optimism. He has been talking about his problems with his best friends and he has been telling everyone, who wants to listen to him, about his future plans and dreams.

He wants to play for FC Barcelona. It was a goal which always moves him forward, even through difficult times. But now it all seems so pointless. He used to dedicate all his matches to his mother, she always believed in him, even when he did stupid things, or lost a match. He didn't talk with her so oft, but just knowing that she is at home and she is watching match, gave him motivation, sense of safety and some kind of happiness. And now it all ended. He felt a huge emptiness in himself, he had never lost loved one. His father died, when he was small, so he dosen't remember him and his mother had been the world to Neymar. He also knows that if his mother will see him now, she would say that he had to go forward. And when he realised that, he decided to became FC Barcelona player, to show everyone that he can do more than they thinks. But it dosen't make sadness go away, it just became the only thing, which keeps him alive and gives his life sense.

He lied on his bed and fell asleep immediately.

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