Everything changed

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 The weeks turned to months and Neymar became one of the most famous footballers. He had millions of fans, thousands of invitations for differen parties and he could see himself on the posters around the cities, but he still felt anger and sorrow after losing his mother. Nothing made him happy. He spend days practising his skills and building his muscles. He stopped spending time with his friends and making funny pranks. He had to show the world and his mother that he could do smoething more than just being that funny guy.

And finaly he got a job proposition in FC Barcelona. His dreams came true, but he didn't feel happy at all. He was indeed satisfied, because he showed everyone that he could do what he had planed, but he had thought that achieve this would make him feel better, that he would be his old self again. He had to change so many things: buy new house in Barcelona and take all his important things there. He was really busy and he didn't have time to think, that he will have a chance to play side by side with his idol.

At his first day of work in FC Barcelona he woke up and felt as same as on a match, when his mother died. He got ready and went to work as if it was just ordinary day. When he came, he saw that his new coach was waiting for him. Changes were always hard for Neymar and this situation wasn't exception. He took deep breath and forced himself to get out of car.

"And there he is, our new star!" said Ernesto, when he saw Neymar. "You will show us the real play." he smiled. Coach showed him the whole place and explained what he would be doing. He also told Neymar that the team worked on cooperation, so probably in the near future they would go on a trip thogether. Neymar listened to him without attention, he just wanted to start practise.

"We start trainig at 9 am., so team should be in 15 minutes. You can go change your clothes and go out onto the pitch or wait in the locker room. We'll see you in five minutes." said coach and left Neymar in front of the door to locker room.

Neymar took a deep breath, now everything would change. He had to show what he could do. He opened doors and saw his name on one of the locker. He put his bag over there and looked around. It all seemed to be so unreal. He used to dream about this moment, he used to imagine his converstions with the members of team and now it all was so falt and indifferent, like childhood wishes. He changed his clothes and go out onto the pitch. He started with normal warm up and some stretching.

"Look who's here!" heard Neymar behind his back. "Our new treasure." smiled Luis. Neymar felt that he had to introduce himself to them all, even if they knew him.

"Hi! I'm Neymar, nice to meet you." he said and thought that it sounded so much better in his head.

"We know." said Luis again and smiled.

"He's always so rude, forgive him." said Marc-André. "I'm Marc, nice to meet you." he shaked Neymar's hand. "I'm goalkeeper, but you had probably already known that." Neymar liked this guy, he was so polite and nice. He thought that maybe they could be a great friends in the future.

They started warm up and Neymar introduced himself to the whole team, but he didn't see Messi. Yes, it was stupid. His whole life changed and he was thinking about his idol, but he still felt this stupid admiration to him. It was the only part of his old life, which he couldn't get rid of.

"Neymar! Pass the ball!" he heard and noticed that he was standing in the middle of pitch and thinking.

"Sorry!" he shouted and passed the ball. He had to stop thinking about Messi in that stupid, childhood way, because it could cost a lot in the future.

"Hello! Sorry, I'm late." said Messi, who came in. Neymar felt how his heart beated a little more rapidly. They were going to play thogether! Neymar couldn't get rid of this idea.

Neymar was looking at Messi and coach, who were talking, when he heard Luis's scream "Neymar, watch out!" and he felt how the ball hit his head. At the next second he was lying on the pitch and held his head.

"You should be more careful. Is everything okay?" said Marc and he helped him stand up. Neymar thanked Marc and tried to focus on the ball. He decided that he introduced himself to Messi after training. He tried to focus on the ball and it went really good until he had to pass to Messi. He just pssed misguided and it was impossible to catch the ball, but Messi speeded up, caught the ball and scored a goal. Maybe that's just what he thought he saw, but Messi looked down at him. Yes he had passed really badly, but it didn't allow Messi to think that he is better than Neymar. He wanted to say something to him, but he calmed down and said to himself that he was just imagining this.

He took deep breath again today and tried to recall situation from this terrible day of his life, when his mother died. When he felt those emotion again, it was easier to focus. In a few minutes he score two goals.

"Good job! It's exactly what we needed in our team. Am I right, Messi?" asked coach.

"Yeah..." mumbled Messi.

"Wait!" Neymar stoped Messi. "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself to the king of football." said Neymar. "I'm Neymar, it's an honour to play with you." he just had to said that, even if that was stupid.

"Thank you. I'm Messi, but you already know that." he cut and went to his locker. At first Neymar thought that he had done something wrong, but after hours of thinking about it, he concluded that Messi just didn't like him and that provided question: "Why didn't he like him?"

It was something terrible for Neymar. Maybe this pass was so bad, or maybe he shoudn't say that Messi was a football king. Neymar wanted to repair it. He had to show Messi that he was worth being in this team and that became hin new aim in life, to earn respect from Messi.

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