When we went to the escalator, Colby slid down but it was a hot mess. "That was super graceful babe." I say making Elton laugh. "There's someone right there." Corey told us flashing his light in the same direction. "Then let's fucking go say hi." Elton said as I grabbed onto Sam from being scared.

Colby walked back up so I grabbed onto him. We tried to get onto the roof but kept getting lost. "This reminds me of a really scary movie I watched. It was about these people who went to a catacomb in Paris and it turned into hell." I tell Elton as we walk to the roof.

"How'd it end?" He asked as Colby kept turning around to make sure I was okay. "Everyone died but one person." I tell him as he nods his head. "I'll be that one person." He told me making me look at him weird. "No, fuck you. I hope you die first." I tell him making him laugh.

"Is Elton bothering you?" Colby said coming up to us. He wraps my fingers up with his free hand making me more calm. "She was explaining a movie to me. But your girlfriend has sass." Elton said making Colby agree. "Try dating her." He joked as I slapped his chest.

"Not true." I say as we keep walking. After walking a little ways we found a bridge and dared Colby to do a handstand on it. "Colby don't do it." I say worried as he sat his stuff down. My boyfriend is about to kill himself, love that. I got anxious as he started to walk out there.

He did it making me super nervous but he landed it perfectly fine. When we heard sirens, we decided it was a good idea to go up on the roof. We found the stairs to the roof and let Elton go first. Uncle Elton at his finest.

Sam and Elton started talking about random stairs at the edge of it. After a while we thought it would be best to stay up on the roof for a while so we don't get murdered. I cuddled with Colby because the wind was super chilly. Around one we thought it would be best to go back down.

"I forgot at how scared I was." I tell Elton as he walked behind me. Sam started blowing into his flashlight showing us the dust. "Can anybody do a vape trick?" Elton asked making us laugh. Corey ended up doing one but it was too funny to not laugh. "That's the last thing we do before we do." I joke making them laugh. "A vape trick." Colby joked with me.

Sam started hearing noises scaring us all. But that's when we brought out the skateboards and footballs. "How loud do you think we could scream?" I ask Elton as he screamed super loud. Jokes on him, I screamed a lot louder than him. "I thought someone got murdered." Sam said as Elton's eyes were tearing up.

Colby was holding his mouth while he was also tearing up. "That was really scary." He said as I wrapped him up in a hug. "Stay close to me." He whispered in my ear. "Did you guys really just yell while thirty minutes ago we were hiding on the roof?" Corey asked as Elton and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"That would explain the people over there." Sam joked pointing his flashlight in front of him. He sounded like the people on talk shows. "That was the most happy way to tell everyone they're about to die. Like look at all the people." Elton joked making us laugh.

"They're in that corner." Sam joked pointing to a random corner. "You sounded like the Oprah Winfrey for murder. And there's the killer." I joke along with the boys. "And you get shot and you get shot." Corey joked pointing to everyone.

"Okay guys, the joke was beaten to death right there." Sam joked with the pun making me snort with laughter. "I get it bro. That's funny." Colby said giving Sam a bro hug. I then saw Corey and Elton talk to each other but shook it off as I hung out with Colby and Sam.

We started to walk away as we asked where Elton was. "He's probably trying to scare us." Sam said as I shined my flashlight around us. The next thing I know Elton made a loud noise near me causing me to scream and jump near Colby. "What do you have on?" Sam asked as Elton took the mask off.

"You okay Colby?" Elton asked as we were holding onto each other. "Why the mask, where'd you get the mask?" Colby asked still scared. "We all brought fun toys to play with so I brought this." Elton said as my heart rate finally slowed down.

He looked so freaky with the mask, he started staring into the camera. We turned around to find the place where we left all the stuff last time. "For those who don't know, last time we were here we left supplies for like a month." Elton said mainly for the camera.

We found buckets and sticks so Elton thought it would be funny to play drums on the buckets. During it, Corey started dancing making all of us laugh. The bucket fell over causing Elton and Corey to stop making all of us laugh. Elton grabbed another bucket while he sat it down.

"You look like a street performer on Halloween Horror Nights" Corey told him making me laugh as I recorded Elton for his channel. He started drumming with the mask on as I got closer. As he drummed, the stick broke causing us all to laugh.

We hung out a little longer and surprisingly it was three in the morning. I had my head on Colby as we all got tired. "How's everyone feeling?" Elton asked as we just sat there. "Not good." I tell him. "Do you wanna go back up to the roof and post up for the night?" He asked as we agreed.

We all walked to the roof tiredly and not saying much. Colby was in front of me while Corey was behind me. As we walked, I swear I heard a gun shot and a scream and I know I'm not the only one that heard it.

"Bree come here." Colby said as I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "Oh my god." Elton said pulling his camera out. We kept hearing stuff scaring all of us shitless. I made sure to keep Colby's hand in mine because of how scared I was.

"Hello. Get out. Now." I heard someone say and it wasn't one of the boys. Colby heard it too because he was already looking at me. Elton was cursing under his breath while we were all freaking out.

We spent half an hour trying to walk around and it was making me more scared. We went to the door we came in at and it was shut which scared me more. I wrapped my arm around Colby realizing that was probably a bang we heard earlier.

We all rushed outside to see a bright light come our way. And with our luck it was the Sheriffs department. Holy shit.

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