Character List

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Uriah Lane Hawthorne
Nickname: Uri
Birthday: December 8th
Age: 12
Height: 4'7
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Grade: 8th
Likes: Reading, video games, superheroes, candy
Dislikes: School, sports, when people other than his family call him Uriman
Characteristics: Destructive, passive-aggressive, quiet, calm, introverted, creative
He bottles up his emotions and tries to fight them off. He is mostly calm but can cause some serious damage. His natural hair colour is bright blonde, but he dyed it so it is red.

Maverick Thomas Hawthorne
Nicknames: Mav, Mavi
Birthday: August 12th
Age: 21
Height: 6'1
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Likes: Sports
Dislikes: When people don't listen to him
Characteristics: Strong, protective, kind, smart, creative
Going to college to become an accountant. He works part time at a music store and teaches music lessons on the side.

Jonas Edwin Hawthorne
Nicknames: Joni, JoJo
Birthday: May 3rd
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Likes: Video games, watching and playing sports
Dislikes: Disrespectful people
Characteristics: Strict, strong, protective, caring, athletic, smart
Going to college to become a police officer. He likes rules because they provide structure. He works part time at Best Buy.

Ellis Hawthorne
Nicknames: E, El, ElEl
Birthday: March 5th
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Grade: 12th
Likes: Video games, shoes, hanging out with his friends, annoying his brothers, sports
Dislikes: His brothers annoying him
Characteristics: Smart, popular, athletic, protective, aggressive, competitive
Sports: Football, wrestling, hockey
He tutors people part time and makes a decent amount of money.

Rachel Hawthorne
Age: 40
Thomas Hawthorne
Age: 42

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