"getting something but brother can't return." reyna held up the walkman and maria just nodded. hearing about spooky made her carry a load of guilt. he was there for her before chico died, he believed in her running the vatos. and he didn't get to be by her side. and she felt like it was her fault, better yet she knew it was her fault. reyna looked between the two, the box in marcus hands. she swallowed, shit was getting serious between them. her eyes went to marcus' lips and then maria's. shit was supposed to get steamy.

"alright i'll be on my way then. don't mind me." reyna awkwardly cleared her throat. she wanted to leave, she didn't belong. but she wanted to stay and support her best friend. marcus wanted reyna to stay, he wanted to continue their talk. and he felt like they shouldn't have to hide their friendship because of maria but reyna insisted. she went to walk away but stopped when hearing the door again. she turned around grabbing maria's hand, pulling her behind the other side of the locker room.

"oh! oh! oh! cover those filthy giblets." the girls heard billy's voice and let out a sigh in relief. reyna's eyes went wide when she looked to maria's hand seeing the towel in her hand. "sorry, i-i was, uh -" maria turned the corner, marcus looked to the ground like he was being caught stealing from the cookie jar. billy looked at the two rolling his eyes.

"what happened to the whole keeping this a secret so we don't all get killed?" billy whispered yelled looking to reyna as she turned the corner. "marcus you moved to threesome status?" billy wanted the answer to be no, his comedic relief was going to get his feelings hurt. reyna only let out a laugh shaking her head, and marcus acted like a deer in headlights as if he had something to hide.

"all our asses are riding on his boner." billy to marcus, reyna's mouth went agape not sure if billy was sure on what he just said, she let out a silent laugh. marcus furrowed his eyebrows looking down to himself.  "you know what i meant. go, before someone sees you." billy pointed to the door looking to maria, reyna just scoffed at him. they both went to leave but the door sounded again.

"billy, have you seen my sister." spooky's voice could be heard. he walked into the locker room looking to everyone. he rubbed his temples once he saw a box covering marcus' junk and red lipstick smeared on his face. he hated seeing marcus and maria together for multiple reasons. one being it could get him killed. why did they insist on risking other people's live's. maria swallowed, he felt uneasy. reyna stepped forward. "i got my walkman back, let's go." reyna looked down to the ground, she walked to her brother grabbing his arm, not looking back to the others she dragged him out the locker room. she could feel the anger surging through him. maria followed after the siblings, wanting to talk to spooky. she threw marcus towel at him, not paying attention anymore.

"lorenzo." she called after him and the door slammed. leaving billy and marcus. billy came in the locker room for a mission and he easily forgot when he saw reyna with marcus. what was she doing in the locker room, while marcus was showering, nude. and why couldn't it be him. he remembered once marcus bucked at him questioning his motives. "yeah, get dressed. me and you have an appointment." billy smriked holding the weed in his hand.

marcus joined in with a smirk as he wrapped the towel around his waist. "thank god, because reyna took the smoke with her." marcus let the words slip out his mouth without thinking. no one knew reyna started back smoking but himself. his eyes went wide when he realized. "since when did reyna start back smoking? was she in here with you smoking, while you were in the shower?" billy gestured in the locker room. it made sense of the smell now, how calm reyna was with everything now. how much training she did? how violent she got at times.

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