We passed Linctus Fountain but it is deserted. The liquid from it usually heals anyone from injuries.

We passed the Forever Young Falls but the water turned black and sticky. They said that when the old people drink the water from here, they'll turn into teens and looking so young but it only lasts for a day then they'll turn into what they really look like- old.

We passed the Peaceful Valley but it doesn't look peaceful at all. It looks more of a destroyed place.

And we even passed the sticky and several days' dead prey.

After quite a lot of hours of walking, we took a rest to the lakeshore of the Odd Lake. Cindy told me it is called an Odd Lake because odd things happen here.

We are exhausted and the sky begins to get dark.

"I'm so exhausted." –Jimmy.

"I'm hungry." Cindy said while rubbing her belly.

John lean his back to the tree while seating on the ground. He closes his eyes and I guess he took a little nap there.

I saw Faith collecting something so went to her.

"This will be useful in the future." –Faith.

She took the stone, weeds, leaves of the tree, and the water from the Odd Lake. She even carved the wood of the tree and collected it.

She puts it into the container and put the container into her pouch.

"Let's spend here for a night, we'll continue this tomorrow." Hector declared.

"Finally..." Cindy said with a yawn.

"I'll just collect some woods for tonight's fire fuel." –Jimmy.

"I'll come with you." –Steven.

"Okay but do it quick and be careful." –Hector.

"We will." –Jimmy.

Jimmy and Steven left to find woods.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll climb that mountain over there." Hector pointed the mountain across the lake.

"Well, 1 day down and 20 more days to endure." –Cindy.

"You're counting..." I teased her.

"Sure, I would. It is the first time and this is the first team that has to endure in the Mystic World for 3 weeks." –Cindy.


"Really...? I didn't know that before." –Faith.

"Yes. Before, teams would only endure here for 1-3 days." –Cindy.

"And why did they make us slog here for 3 weeks?" I asked.

"Guess why?" -Cindy while smiling.

"Is it because they want us to die?" –Faith.

"No... Silly." –Cindy.

"Hmmm..." I just can't think of anything.

"Well?" –Cindy.

"We don't know." We gave up.

*Hem *Hem –John.

Cindy felt a little bit disappointed.

"Hum... You don't really know? Where have you been?" –Cindy.

"Hmmm... Locked up in our room?" –Faith.

Now that's a good reason.

I agreed to Faith's answer.

Mystic HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora