Chapter 13

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"Okay, Alex, this is Cindy from room G1." Madelyn begun and Cindy smiled. "This is Steven from room B2." Steven smiled too, I knew him already. "This is Scott and this is Jimmy from room B1." So that's their names are. I don't know their names before but I know that they are Hector's friends. "And this is Faith from the east wing. It's her first time too." Faith from the east wing.

So Faith and I came from the east wing, wearing plain white cloak before and learning the things we need to learn. But now we are wearing a black cloak and heading towards the Mystic World.

I don't know if she heard of me before but I hope she doesn't. I don't want to be ignored and hated.

"Hello." –Faith. She stretches out her hand.

I shook her hand with my hand and smile as a respond.

"Hello." I replied.

"Alex, here's your pouch." Madelyn lend me a small pouch. "You'll need it for 3 weeks."

"Three weeks?" I questioned in surprised.

I'll be at the Mystic World for three weeks? Amazing...

"Yes. It's not just an ordinary pouch. In here, you can put dozens of big cabinets inside."

My imaginary mouth went and stayed open.

"What the-"

"Yes, everyone has it too." -Madelyn

Cindy and Steven showed their pouches.

"These pouches are filled with foods and potions that we can use for 3 weeks. You can add more to it too like tent, blankets, pillows, etc..." –Cindy.

Madelyn put the pouch into my hand. I accepted it.

I put Keith's notebook into the pouch.

I observed it. As I put the notebook into the pouch, the notebook became small and it fits to the pouch.

How amazing...

I put the potion that Keith gave me recently to into the pouch.

"One more thing about that pouch is that no matter how many you put into it. The weight of it is still constant, it won't become heavy and also it won't become light." –Madelyn.

Because of what she said about this pouch, I became so amazed by it.

"I added mine with my favorite foods." –Cindy.

"You're pouch is Already filled with foods, Alex. Is there more you need?" –Madelyn.

I shook my head. I don't know what I should bring.

"Ugh!" A girl came from the portal. She's in pain, injured and covered with blood. Her cloak is ripped and burned.

Madelyn and the others immediately helped her.

"Where are the others, Ann?" –Scott.

"There still in there." –Ann. After she said those words, she became unconscious.

"We need to help them!" –Jimmy.

"Bring Ann first to the clinic!" –Madelyn.

Steven carried Ann and went to the clinic as fast as he can.

"I'm coming in." –Jimmy.

"Go. Cindy, call Mrs. Lori, Mr. Fred and the others here." –Madelyn.

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