Chapter 12

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"Alex, wake up." Somebody called me.

"Hmm..." I said.

"It's already 11:00 am." She said.

I immediately stood up after hearing it.

"What?" I replied.

She turned her face to the clock. I turned also.

"Yup! 11:00 am." She said.

"Why didn't you wake me up at 5:00 am lately?" I said

"I did but you were being too hard. I said 'Alex, wake up' and you replied 'hmm...' I keep on repeating on calling you but you always keep on replying 'hmm', so I let you continue to sleep because you won't listen!" She explained.

"That's it? You're just calling me like that? How can I listen and wake up if I'm still sleeping! You could have put an effort to it like shaking me or slapping me face! Calling my name and commanding me won't be effective in waking me up! You should have known that!" I said. "Now, what? It's too late." My tone became so upset.

It's early in the morning and I feel so high tempered already. I don't know why but why exactly?


Keith's POV

I'm surprised about her act today.

I should have shocked her this morning to wake her up but I didn't. It is just what and how I do things like that, if I want to wake them up, I'll just call them to wake up then waited for them to get up.

She's right, doing like that won't be effective for a person to get up.

But why is she's so angry?

"S- Sorry." –Alex. "I was just excited since yesterday about it but now-."

"I'm sorry too." I replied.


Lori's POV

"Heather, you have to take a rest. Lay down." I commanded but he won't listen.

He's still ill and need to recover for days.

Ronnie grabbed the arm of Heather's. "Heather, please we need you."


Heather's POV

"Heather, please they need you. We need you." She begins to cry.

That's what she also said to me before she sacrificed herself to protect everyone.

I lift my head to see their faces. Their eyes are calling for help, for my help.

"We need you."

"Did they really need you?"

A different voice abruptly arose through my mind.

"Are you sure about it?" He smiled.

"Even if they don't admit it, they still need you."

"They don't need you."

I pulled my arm from Ronnie and covered my ears.

"Heather? Are you okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"Tell us!"


"They don't need you."

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