"What are you doing here?" She asked. What should I replied? What Should I say? I just came here to comfort you. That's all. "Thank you." She replied even though I did not say anything.

Then she turned to leave with a sad face.

"Wait-"I said. She stopped and turned to me. I wanted her to stay here for a while but my heart beats rapidly for thinking of telling those words to her. "I- I- you can go." I can't. I turn around.

What was I thinking? I should not tell her anything until we can get back our world.

I should wait a little longer. All I have to do is to protect her.

I turn around to see her but she'd already left the library.


I think I should go back to the training room. I'll still going to see her there because we still have our training.

I started to walk and leave the library.

After a few minutes, I saw her walking in the hallway. I walked slowly to follow her.

"Alex!" I turn my head to see whose yelling. It's Keith. And she's skipping towards Alex.


Alexandra's POV

"Miss Lori wants to see you." Keith said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. Did you recently been crying?"

"Is that obvious?" I smiled a little. She nodded. She must have traced my eyes like this.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's nothing." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied and she immediately hugged me.


Keith POV

"I don't know what happened but I'm always here for you, okay?" I said while I hugged her.

"It's okay for me if you don't tell us about it, Keith. But no matter what happened, I'll be here for you." Evelyn said.

"So do I, Keith. I'm your best friend too, right? You can always count on me. On us." Alexandra said.

Evelyn and Alexandra are best friends- super close best friends. It is hard to separate this two. What Alex likes, Evelyn likes it too and what Evelyn likes, Alex likes it too. They are having fun even if you left them both alone.

I am lucky to have them both.

They are just like their mirror. They have so many similarities. And the only differences between them are that Alex is a human and Evelyn is an enchanter. They are not siblings nor any relative and stuff.

"Thank you." I manage to say while crying. And they immediately hugged me.

"Aww, our little Keith is still crying."-Evelyn.

"Yeah." –Alexandra.

"Hahhaha..." I laughed because they tickled me.

"Thank you, Keith." Alexandra said and smiled.

I nodded and smiled back then we walked towards Miss Lori's chamber.

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