15: Sniper's Shot Hits The Target

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"Surprised to see me alive, Themis?" Shouko taunted with a smirk, a katana in her hand.

That was what made Themis infuriated. She was constrained to the ground by one of the Miyuzaki clan members, with a gun pointed at her head.

"I should've killed you instantly with that bullet!" Themis shouted angrily. Though she tried to break free from being constrained, she couldn't.

But Shouko ignored her. Instead, the woman approached Conan and smiled. "Thank you for saving Rin-chan, Conan-kun."

The boy smiled at her. "It's alright, Shouko-san. Besides, you're not the only one who wanted to save her." Then he looked at the two doctors, and eventually at the freshman who was looking at the Seigaku regulars worriedly.

But when he looked at his cousin, he saw the distraught and scared expression of the girl who was looking in a certain direction. So he tried following the path that she was looking at, only to see a building approximately 300 yards away from the school.

'Did Rin see something on that building? And what was that scared look on her face, as if she had seen a ghost or something? Did she?' Conan had a lot of questions about what he saw on his cousin but he would ask later.

All he has to worry about right now was the enemy. But he, too, felt that something was wrong with the whole situation. It all seemed too easy.

Even though it was pretty obvious that the captured enemies were furious, they couldn't even make a move to break free. And when they did, there seemed to be no effort at all.

It was as if they weren't trying to get out and fight them back. And it also seemed that they've predicted the arrival of the Miyuzaki clan to rescue Kourin, except for Shouko's appearance on Themis' part.

Did they?

'But if they had predicted it, then that means... This is not over yet!' And coming up with that conclusion, Conan had to go to the building that Kourin was looking at earlier. If he had guessed right, then someone from that building could kill either Ryoma or Kourin.

He had to stop that before it was too late. He could only hope he could make it in time.

Meanwhile, Ryoma was still standing beside Shouko, Doctor Miyuzaki, and Doctor Yanai. He was looking at the Seigaku regulars who were happy to see him. The Detective Boys were also happy to see him, as well.

But he couldn't understand the scared and distraught look that he saw on Kourin's face earlier. That look wasn't meant for him, though.

He was about to approach his friends to greet them when suddenly, he saw Kourin running towards him.

"Watch out!" She pushed him as hard as she could which made Ryoma fall to the ground. After a few seconds, all of them heard something shatter and crack, along with a faint gunshot.


'Damn it! I'm already late!' Conan frustratingly concluded in his thoughts as he heard the gunshot from the rooftop. He was already on the 7th floor of the building just across Seishun Gakuen that Kourin was looking at earlier.

But even though he was already late, he had to stop the person who shot someone on the campus. Even if it was just a feeling, that person might kill both Ryoma and Kourin.

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