2: Meeting Momoshiro & Fuji

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Almost two hours later, in Beika Central Hospital...

The Detective Boys waited inside Doctor Miyuzaki's office for the results of the operations done to Ryoma by Doctor Yanai and Doctor Miyuzaki themselves. The kids were uneasy and worried about Ryoma's situation.

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Haibara talked about Ryoma's possible situation. Genta could only complain because he was hungry again.

Conan and Kourin changed their wet clothes with the spare clothes left in the hospital. When Kourin had finished changing and came out of the comfort room, Doctor Miyuzaki entered the office, along with Doctor Yanai.

"How is he, Yanai-sensei?" Ayumi immediately inquired as soon as the two doctors entered.

"He's fine now. The gunshot wound he had on his arm was only a minor one. Though the wound he had on his thigh was a little deep. And in those wounds, it seemed that the bullets used to shoot him contain chemicals that could—" he paused. "—cause paralysis to his organs."

"Eh?!" The kids stared at him, as if not wanting to believe it. But Doctor Miyuzaki's serious face made them believe it in the end.

"Are you serious, Yanai-sensei?"

He nodded. "But it will take us some time to know what are the particular chemicals used in that bullet."

All of them fell silent. And then they heard Kourin heave a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong, Rin-chan?" Doctor Miyuzaki approached her.

Kourin shook her head. "I'm just worried about Ryoma-niichan. He's dedicated to playing tennis and he became the key player of Seigaku. And yet, he's facing this kind of predicament..." She gave a faint smile when she saw her friends looking at her with worried eyes. Then she faced Doctor Miyuzaki. "By the way, will he be alright? What about the traces of chemicals you found in his wounds?"

Both the doctors smiled at her. "We managed to remove those chemicals outside of his wounds. Don't worry. The bullets seemed to have just grazed his body. It's probably because he was running from his perpetrators. But the chemicals inside Ryoma's wound on his thigh will affect his walking capability. However, it will only be temporary."

Both Kourin and Conan sighed in relief. While the others smiled at what they heard. Genta rubbed his tummy.

"Now I feel even hungrier because of that."

Mitsuhiko sighed and shook his head. "Not again, Genta-kun. You're always like that..."

The others laughed. And then Kourin approached Doctor Miyuzaki who sat on the swivel chair.

"Sensei, will it be okay if I should just go out and buy some food? You see, after swimming in a cold river, I felt kinda hungry, as well," she said with a shy smile.

Both the doctors laughed. Instead of Doctor Miyuzaki, it was Doctor Yanai who handed her some money. And honestly, it was a huge amount, though Kourin had no fear of handling such a big amount of money.

"You can buy as much food as you can, but don't forget to buy some for me and Shouda, okay?"

She nodded and then bowed down. "Thank you very much, Yanai-sensei."

Haibara and Ayumi stood up from their seats and approached her.

"Then I guess we should help you. I'm having a bad feeling about the money you're handling," Haibara said in a bland tone.

"Haibara-san, you don't have to worry about that. Rin-chan knows how to keep that money away from thieves. She's good at hiding money in her possession," Doctor Miyuzaki said with a smile.

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