Chapter 9

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Jack Gilinsky's POV

It took me forever to think of this date. I wanted it to be special, I wanted it to be perfect. Amy was starting school tomorrow and I could tell she was nervous, I guess I wanted to take her mind off things for a while. I had it all planned out, we would go to my uncles farm, and I would have a nice picnic set up on the top of hill with blankets and pillows. Then we would watch the sunset together. It's cheesy I know but she deserves the best.


"Jaaaccckkkk! Can I take the blindfold off yet?" Amy whined from the passenger seat.

"Well if you did then you would figure out where we are going" I reply "and I don't want you to know"

"Fine" she huffs. Even when she's angry she still looked adorable.

I turn into the driveway of my uncles property and start driving up the hill towards our destination. My uncle was out tonight so we basically had the whole place to ourselves. I drive around the corner and park the car, about 20 feet away from where everything was set up.

"Stay here I'll be back in a minute" I say to Amy. I jump out of the car and quickly check that everything is set up correctly, I had my friends Cameron and Nash set it up for me. It was perfect. A perfect night for a perfect girl. I walk back to the car and slowly open Amy's door.

"Okay now step out of the car and follow my lead" I whisper to her. She cautiously steps out of the car gripping onto my arm. I turn her body around to face the big pile of cushions and blankets.

"Okay take off the blindfold" I say into her ear. She slowly pulls it off and instantly covers her mouth with her hand.

"Jack" she gasps "it's beautiful"

"Just like you" I say grabbing her hand and tangling it with mine. She blushes and looks down at her feet. I place my fingers under her chin and bring her eyes up to mine "you are beautiful, never forget it" she smiles "hey there's that beautiful smile!" I grin.

"Come on let's sit down" I say walking her over to the picnic.

We plonk down and I pull out two cans of soda and a bag of chips. I also pull out two fancy glasses and pour the soda into them. Amy giggles and takes a sip "thank you Jack" she says.

"Anything for you princess" I smile back at her.

We talk and laugh for about an hour until the sun starts to set, painting the skies with pink and orange. Amy was cuddled into my side, I think she was asleep "hey Amy" I whisper.

She peaks her eyes open "mmhhmm" she mumbles.

"Open your eyes, the sun is starting to set" I say, running my hands through the length of her hair. She gets up and re-positions herself in my lap. I wrap my arms around her torso, pulling her closer to me and putting my chin on her shoulder "so it's kinda cheesy" I start "but when I was younger, me and my mum would come up here, at around this time" I say into her hair "and we would watch the sunset. And she would say to me 'make wish Jack, make a wish. Wish on all the different colours in the sky. One wish for each colour" I laugh at the memory of it, then I continue "and I was never able to count the colours, because they all blended into each other. Sometimes I counted one colour, it all looked like one colour. But I remember the last time I came here, I was about 11. I'm not sure why or how, but the sky was stained with so many colours. Blue, red, pink, yellow, orange, purple every colour you could imagine. It was there. I remember that one time, I wished so hard. I said to myself 'these wishes will come true' so I counted the colours, and I wished. I wished 30 times. And so far, 3 of these 30 wishes have come true"

She turns to face me, staring into my eyes "and what were those wishes?" She asks.

"Well. Número uno" I say with an accent, and she laughs the adorable laugh that I love. "I wished to have unlimited happiness, and I think there's only been a dozen sad days since then" I say.

"Wish number 2, was to get a pretty girlfriend" I laugh and blush at the same time. Amy giggles and looks back at me, asking me to continue "my third wish was to get a dog" I laugh "and yeah, I got that" she smiles and turns her gaze back to the sunset.

"How many colours do you think are there" she asks.

"About 4" I say.

The sky was printed with fading colours of pink, purple, orange and blue.

I wrap my arms lightly around her torso again, kiss her cheek and whisper to her "make a wish beautiful" she closes her eyes and purses her lips together.

She holds them there for a while until she re-opens them and says to me "done"

I smile at her and she climbs off my lap, laying back down on the blanket. I copy her actions and cuddle down next to her. My arms glide across her waist and eliminate the gap between our bodies. She rolls over and looks into my eyes. I lean in and lightly press my lips to hers. Our lips combining as one, moving in sync. She reaches up and tangles her fingers in my hair, pulling me closer to her. I cup her face with my hands, kissing her harder and more passionate than ever.

I pull away and rest my forehead against hers and let out the three words I've been meaning to say for a long time.

"I love you Amy"



I'm so sorry this chapter was really short but I was really excited to write this and I think it's pretty good but it's really short and yeah.

Thank you all so much for 1k reads, that's unreal!!!

Happy Friday lil nuggets

- Grace xxx

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