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[Tzuyu's POV]

'I've got nowhere else to go anyway.'

I thought as I stepped out of this structure I used to call 'home'. This house is no of use now. Fucking rental dues; they do not want to give me a break. The breeze outside cannot compare the coldness I feel right now inside my mind and heart. All of the things around me have brought me great memories, but now it's time to let go.

My feet were now taking me to a path. A path wherewith I do not know its final destination will be. The tears on my eyes have already dried out. I'm starting to acknowledge the fact that... this is it. This is finally it. An era of my life that either will grant me great fortune or great loss.

I laughed to myself, "This is what you wanted, right Tzuyu?"

It's what I ever wanted. And it sucks. My name is Chou Tzuyu, and in the age of eighteen I have entrusted myself on an adventure because I am that courageous adventurer. I had been leading myself towards success, but I guess I won't find it here at all. Therefore, I went to decide to go off to places. Imagine wanting to reach a goal that you don't really know what that goal is. It's mysterious and crazy and yet I still chose this path of mine. Now, I don't even know where I am heading off to. I'm just going to follow wherever my heart pleases.


It had been hours since I've walked out of my house. The environment around me was changing. Then I realized, I'm already in another city. I know, I know. I could have taken a train from Masan to Busan.

"Ya! Fishes! Fishes! Only W1000 per kilogram!"

Walking in the market streets of Busan actually gave me a bit of hope to continue to grab dream opportunities. Trust me, I tried back then. I really did. Everything did not cut out for me and I have already accepted that fact. Though, I know I won't get to have my dream here in the streets. So, I continued walking and walking.

My friends would have enjoyed going on a trip with me right now. I laughed once again and murmured to myself, "If I ever had friends."

A long time had already been passing and the urban places of Busan were already out of my sight. Now it is certain that I don't know where I'm at. I pulled out my phone, taking advantage of the small battery percentage I have left. I'm still in Busan, but I guess I'm in the fields part of it now. There are no other people around. It's just actually me walking on grasses and some dried out parts of land.

"Where in the heck am I?," I said. This is getting a bit frustrating and tiring. Though, I never gave up. It's what I wanted. To journey up to a place of which I don't identify. Maybe I can start up a camp here and rest for once.

Then I saw a warehouse just a moderate number of feet from where I'm standing. I started heading towards there, 'cause why the hell not. Maybe there's more food I can get from there or a bed for me to sleep on. I'm risking it because it's the only choice I have as of the moment. As I'm walking, I thought to myself, 'Why is there even a warehouse here in the middle of nowhere!?'

As I've stepped on the front door of the warehouse. Firstly, why does this warehouse have a small door? Anyway, I still knocked even though there are low chances of someone being in there. To my surprise, the door opened but I didn't get to see anything; because my head has been sacked. My body has been grabbed by a few more hands. I am hearing voices but they're blurry because of this stupid sack. Next thing I know, I passed out.


"This is all your fault, Nayeon!," I heard a girl's voice exclaimed. "You could have chosen a more secluded place way farther than these fields of Busan."

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now