Dreams Do Come True.

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Dally's Pov.
I long for him. It's a physical ache. One that refuses to disappear. Pony is so gorgeous and dear to me. I simply can't lose him. He's a perfect addiction.  Johnny was right when he said he wished Pony had been his betrothed. Its not that they can't marry each other. They can just Darry and I have to authorize it first. The only reason Pony and I are getting married is because Jane and Darrel wanted a union between Ginvina and Jewelva. Which is fine. I mean I'll slowly fall in love with him. We just need to get to know each other. So that way we can work on our marriage and make a heir. Hopefully a tiny princess. I want a girl. I'll love a boy just the same. But a girl would be ideal for me. I dream of us having a girl. She'd be blonde with Pony's beautiful green eyes and his desire for knowledge. She'd know how to play the harp and the violin plus she might know how to cook. How wonderful my life will be with Pony and our perfect daughter. Maria Janie Curtis Winston. Hairess to both thrones of Ginvina and Jewelva. She will be amazing.  Pony has said he could fall in love with me.  If he is given time.  Time is something  that is difficult  for me. Because I was diagnosed with ADHD Or Attention Deficit  Hyperactive Disorder.  I take meds for it and all but sometimes  I intentionally forget until Johnny asks
" Dally meds today hun? " That's the thing.  I can't lie to Johnny.  Believe me I have  tried.  But I just can't. I walked  through  my vast house and  looked for mom.  She was in her woman cave or meditation room.  She was inhaling slowly and listening to a recording  of the rain. I sat down and watched  her.  She opened one eye and smiled then went back to her breathing.  I started to  close my eyes and breathe as well.  Dad isn't  a huge fan of mediating  but sometimes mom will rope him into doing it.  She never has to rope Johnny and I  into doing it.  We love it. Honestly we do it nearly everyday.  Our wedding is in four days.  I'm  not nervous about it.  Johnny however is. 
I may need to drag him to the mediation room in the next few hours.  I felt my body slowly let go of all this tension and  tightness in my back and neck.  After this dad and I  will go for a run.  I can actually  outrun him. I am gonna be king of the country in three months.  That's how long I have to knock Pony up with my baby.  That's  gonna be great.  They will lock us up in a huge hotel room and  let us make love for the next twelve  weeks.  Everything  we need is already  there.  The reason behind  this is because  we don't  really know each other  all that well.  I mean sure we kiss and cuddle together but I don't  know him.  He doesn't  know me.  We can talk and make  love non stop for days and days.  I can hardly wait to see  my sweet little angel.  He's  perfect.  I'll  help him get through his parents death.  He is taking it real hard Darry says.  All he does is cry and sleep.  I will break him of that habit.  If it's the last thing I  do.  How I'll  do it is through  love and chocolate.  He's obsessed with  chocolate. 

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