Pain And Shock.

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Ponyboy s POV.
I watched as the coffins fall into the ground. I couldn't believe it. My mom and dad are gone. I'd never see them again. I'm supposed to be strong but I don't know what to do next. Darry has a look of shock on his face and Soda is crying so hard. Darry would become the king after the twelve day mourning period. Soda would have to be engaged next month. As for me. I assume I will be home with Darry still studying my schooling. I'm so hurt. It feels like someone has ripped my heart out and run over it with a horse and buggy. Then pick it up and say"  Here good luck. " I'm so broken. I will be in shock for awhile. Once the shock wears off I'll be in pain. A lot of pain. Soda has his fiance Steve. Darry has his fiance Paul. Me? I have no one. Yeah I have my brothers but I don't know. They are going to be busy with work and school. Plus running the country. Me I'm just gonna be in the way. The only one who cared about me is gone now. That was my mom. She was my best friend and she did the best she could to help me. But now I have no one. I'm completely alone. Darry will probably get sick of me in a few months and marry me off to someone I don't know and I don't love. The whole country turned out to say good bye to King Darrel and Queen Jane. They have banners hanging up. I'll inherit mom's journals and her vases. I'll have to give them to my wife. When I get one. It'll be expected. I don't want to give my mom's beautiful strawberry  painted vases and journals away. I want to keep them. But it's a tradition. I can't break tradition. I'm only thirteen years old. I'm too young to lose my mom and dad. I still need them to teach me. I don't know if I can be strong enough to get though this. I saw a dark haired guy and a blonde boy talking to Darry after they put the coffins in the ground. Darry called us over. Soda grabbed my hand and we walked over. I was nervous because the blonde boy was gorgeous. I hoped I didn't embarrass myself.  Darry said" You've already met my brother Prince Soda. This is my brother Prince Ponyboy. Unique names huh? Ponyboy this is Prince Dallas of Jewelva and Prince Johnny. " I said " Hello your highnesses. It's nice to finally meet you both." I shook their hands. Prince Dallas said" Wow Darry no one told me my new finance would be so beautiful." Prince Johnny said" Yes Dally hes adorable. "  I blushed and looked confused. We went to the after meal. As is custom. It was meatball subs and chicken marsala. Fruit cocktail and wine for the adults. Chocolate milk for the young princes and princesses. Everyone under the age of seventeen is considered a minor. I was talking to Prince Johnny.
He said" You are very cute. No wonder Queen Jane decided to marry you off to Dally. I wish she'd married you off to me. It's been an arranged marriage since you were four years old.  You look confused. Oh! This is embarrassing. You didn't know huh?" I said" No I didn't know that I was in a arranged marriage since I was four years old. It would've​ been nice if someone had told me!" Johnny looked down. I was sorry for yelling at him. I said" I'm sorry for snapping at you Johnny. It's not your fault. " He smiled and said" No prob. " When the meal was over. We went back to the house. Well some would call it a mansion. It had a huge garden with lilies and daisies. Roses of all colors lined the path to the door. And there was a huge pool in the front of the house as well. It looked tropical. Mom used to say it was a vacation without ever leaving home. Plus we had two more homes we could go to. One was in England and one was in France. I wanted to ask Darry if he knew about my arranged​ marriage to Prince Dallas. Or not. But I was emotionally exhausted. So I took a hot bath and laid in my mom's bed. It smelled like roses and cinnamon. She washed the sheets in pure rose water and dad loved his cinnamon body wash. I remember we could always smell that and coffee on his breath. Mom always smelled like mint chocolate  candy and Dior rose perfume. I miss them so much. My heart is broken beyond repair. I don't think I will ever feel better again. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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