Killer Queen.

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Dally's POV.
My mom is pissed off and Johnny is hiding in the pantry. I woke up at 6:42 am this morning with our maid Julie telling me as she poured coffee for us. " Your majesty. Her highness is extremely angry this morning so I'd steer clear if I were you. The king has gone hunting in the mountains. And Prince Johnathan is hiding from her. She is enraged at the fact that your suit has not arrived yet in time for the wedding this weekend. She's trying to figure out what you are going to wear. I'm sure she's going to be upset all morning today so... Yes enjoy your breakfast. " She bowed and walked away. I didn't know what to say. Mom went in her meditation room and locked the door. So here's the thing I'm thinking about going to the hotel to see my fiance. But I feel if I do it I'll piss her off even more. That's not what I want. Dad is back and I gave him a heads up. He caught a wild turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. The food is being prepped and cooked. Johnny is still hiding. I went and yanked him out. Then left to go to the hotel. I know I should stay but I simply don't want to deal with it. We took my jet to the hotel. And now we're waiting for Ponyboy Darry and Soda to show up. I paid for Johnny and I to get a back massage. I figured it would help relax us before the wedding this weekend. I don't know if we will be able to get married because my suit is on a hold. I told Pony this and his response was " Why do we have to wear suits? What about a nice cream sweater and black pants?" I texted mom and told her what Pony said. To my absolute surprise she agreed. I think Pony is a genius because he managed to stop my mom from strangling the tailor who held my suit and who shrunk it. Jewelva is so lucky to have him as a future king. I'm so excited to be married to him. I can feel the aches and stress melt away from my back. I'm so relieved. I just feel that escaping from the as dad calls her killer queen is best. I love my mom but she has a powerful temper. One I am well aware of. Johnny and I got in so much trouble when we were kids it was unreal. We stayed on punishment for six weeks once because we stole apples from a fruit vendor. Not that we couldn't buy them we could. It's that stealing was more successful and fun. I only wished we had been smarter about not getting caught. Our governesses whipped us and dragged us to mom. Where she proceeded to ground us for six weeks. I remember being ten years old Johnny was nine. I was so pissed off when we got in trouble. I can't believe the vendor told on us. I later had his cart destroyed and burned for firewood. He was so broke after that. His wife also left him. And all he has left is his house. I'm thinking about increasing his rent payments. That's a good idea. People can't do what they want and get away with it at least not as long as I am the future king. I asked Pony what I should do. He advised me to let it go. I'll go ahead and do it this one time. Maybe Ponyboy is changing me for the better.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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