Chapter 1

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(narrarator pov)
(Y/N) was a normal girl just living a normal life. Just like any other person at nineteen, in University, studying (major). She was also in love with a show called Hetalia. Whenever she had free time after class, because she didn't really get along well with others, she would lay down on her dorm room bed, open her laptop, and let her (H/C) locks spill out around her and her (E/C) eyes fixed on the screen. She usually did this until she fell asleep, still watching the country-centric show.

(Y/N's pov)
I was starting to get tired of my daily routine. Wake up, go to (restaurant) and order (small breakfast), go to chemistry, go to calculus, go to (class for major), then finally, the only enjoyable class, history. Then I'd go back to my dorm, lay down in bed and eat (cheap dinner food) while watching Hetalia. Oh it would be so nice to live in that world! If only the countries were people. I felt a vibration in my pocket, so I pulled out my phone in it's (F/C) case, fumbled around, then answered the call.
"What do you want?" I groaned into the phone. It was my best friend, Alfred.
"Yo come over to my place. I wanna play some videogames."
"Ugh. . . Fine just not (game you dislike) again."
"Awwwww dude! Fine."
I slammed down my phone. Ugh he can be so obnoxious sometimes.

~Time skip brought to you by oblivous Y/N!~

About to ring the doorbell, I was greeted by an oh so familiar face.
"Sup dude!" He said
That dirty blonde hair with his probably super glued into place cowlick, to his blue eyes, to the ever so familiar bomber jacket that he will never take off, was my best friend. Alfred F. Jones. He always looked so familiar, I could never place it though. We walked to his living room, and sat down in front if his various consoles.
"So um. . . What should we play bro?"
"How about Mario kart?" You said sarcastically.

"GREAT IDEA (Y/N)!" he screamed and put the switch in the docking station, or as I like to call it. . . the "toaster"

Hey again, sorry for the short chapter. I don't really write much and this is my first x reader story. . .
Enough excuses!

Until next chapter,
Hasta la pasta!

A Fresh StartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt