Once they reached the exit, they regrouped with the girls and trekked through the park for food. The gang settled for Johnny Rockets, opting for burgers and milkshakes since it was too early in the evening for them to be trying to get lit. It was just getting dark, after all, and since they weren't planning on going home until around ten, it was better to hold off on the booze until later.

The crew squeezed into a booth adjacent to a window. Sero, Eijirou, and Katsuki were squished together on one side whilst Denki sat in between Jirou and Mina on the other side of the table. The smooth table top was barely visible under all the trays and plates they had, and the mess progressively got larger the more napkins they used. Denki was the first to finish his burger, leaning back into the cushion of the seat as he sucked his oreo milkshake through the thick red straw.

"Man, we should've just went to college," He sighed. Sero arched a brow.

"What makes you say that?" He questioned, swiping at his face with the back of his hand. Denki shrugged.

"I dunno, we went through all that exciting crap in high school, and then we graduate and boom—" He slammed his cup on the table for emphasis. "—the League diminished and most of the cooler villains went back to hiding and now all that's left are the clumsy thugs and gang members."

The squad hummed, reminiscing about their high school days. Jirou was the first one to break speak again. "That's a good thing, though. We don't have to constantly look over our shoulders anymore."

"Yeah, you're right..." Denki stared at his straw before he picked up his cup again. "What would you guys major in if we did go to college?"

"Dancing!" Mina cheered.

"Also dancing," Kirishima nodded. "But I'd do art too if I could. Painting is fun."

"Says the next Bob Ross," Sero snickered. Bumping Eijirou into Katsuki to gain his attention, he added, "Would you do dancing with your KiriSunshine, Bakubro?"

Katsuki frowned. "Don't ask me stupid questions, Scotch Tape, of course I fuckin' would."


"Oh my God, say that again so I can record it!"

"Yeah, I'm trying to win a bet!"

Katsuki barked for them to shut up, hiding his reddening face. Jirou crumbled the wrapper to her burger, dropping it into her tray before she leaned her elbows against the table. "You two are so cute it almost makes me sick."

"Well, to be fair, you and Denki were way worse." Mina rolled her eyes. "We couldn't go a day without Denki swooning over literally every breath you took."

"Hey!" Denki slapped his hand on the table again. "It was every heartbeat."

Mina snorted. "As I said. Even worse."

As the rest of the crew began arguing over relationships, Eijirou took the time to stare at his boyfriend as he slurped down his milkshake, his expression bored as his eyes lazily followed the ghouls and zombies shuffling about in the crowd. They had been dating a little over a month now. Most of their friends knew about their ongoing relationship, and it was teased about on social media, but despite their talk a couple of weeks ago, Eijirou still had lingering qualms about the future of their relationship.

It's not like he wasn't having the best time of his life being with Katsuki. In reality, having the chance to date him is his literal 'dream come true moment', his biggest wish granted; but the thing was, what if it was just that—a chance, meaning that there was a possibility of things going south and ending terribly like it almost had at the hands of Mina (who's forgiven, of course). Eijirou still had his secrets. Katsuki, over the years, became an open book towards him. They're best friends, and now they're best friends who date each other. Liked each other. Possibly loved each other both ways.

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