Love Potion ;)

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Boil Three and a Half Cups of Water (Moon Water, Tap Water or Spring Water)
Four Pinches of Salt
Two Teaspoons of Rose Herb
One and a Half Teaspoons of Lavender
Half of a Teaspoon of Jasmine
One-Quarter Teaspoon of Chamomile
Rose Quartz
A Container With A Lid or Cork

Boil the water and add in the four pinches of salt. Grind all of the herbs together and add them to the water. Mix. Drain the liquid into a container and strain herbs. Throw herbs away. Add liquid and rose quartz to your container with a lid or cork. Add to food or drinks as desired!

Be sure to cleanse and have your intentions clear!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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