Chapter Thirty - The Crypt

Start from the beginning

George was just about to ask his sisters if they were both okay when the buzz hit him. Stronger than any he had felt before. He tumbled forward from the rock he sat on. His forehead pressed into the thick dust and he screamed in agony. Through a haze of pain, he sensed the others pressing around him. Someone rolled him onto his back and was shaking him. He heard Danielle calling to him, asking what was wrong. He raised a hand, weakly pointing towards the wall.

'Danger!' he gasped.

Malin stood at the base of the wall and peered along its length to where it curved out of sight in the far distance. It was an immense structure, and he wondered if he was up to the task. — Do not doubt the power of the stones. We possess a wealth of powerful magic. More than enough to carry out what needs to be done — The magic whispered. He could feel the enchantment that warded the barrier tingling against his skin, stinging like a thousand pinpricks. Raising his arms and spreading wide his fingers he felt the magic of the Stones flowing through his body. He gathered it close, closed his eyes and directed it out into the magical energy that cocooned the Daemon lair. Malin felt the old weakened magic, woven long ago by Lachlan Torqe, greet this new, stronger magic. They intertwined, welcoming each other like long lost hive brothers.

Malin sensed he was no longer in his body. He felt himself soaring weightlessly along the length and breadth of the wall, appearing to be in all places at once. He could feel the waning power of the warding spells and what was needed to strengthen them once more. He smiled to himself, this seemed easier than he had thought. He prepared himself. Allowing the Key Stones to direct his thoughts and movement, gradually weaving a web of magic that spread and insinuated itself within the magic that already resided there.

It grew stronger, spreading gossamer-like across the whole surface of the wall. Reaching up to the highest reaches of the towering ramparts and burrowing deep into the earth below, once again sealing away those trapped within its confines.

Suddenly, before Malin could complete the mystical construct, something disturbed his thoughts. Where there had been light, darkness sprang forth, twisting and severing his connection with the magic of the Stones. Even though he was but a ghost, a spirit, split from its earthly body, Malin felt the agonising pain and the lost of control over his movements. He knew he was falling uncontrollably from a great height, plunging down the face of the wall to the hard-packed earth below.

Malin screamed. Then he was back in his body. Something appeared to be slowly crushing the life out of him. He struggled, gasping for breath, trying desperately to force whatever gripped his body, to release him. Fighting against the pain, he opened his eyes.

A Daemon stood before him.

The ones they fought earlier paled in comparison to the power this one radiated. Even the one from the cave had not exuded the feeling of dominance this one showed. The Daemon stood upright, its barbed tail lashed at the air behind it. The yellow eyes within it horned head burned into Malin's mind, seeking a way to rip the Key Stones from his body. The creature thrust forward a long staff held in its talons, a gemstone glowed brightly from its tip.

Malin could see the creature's jagged-toothed jaws working and strange blood-red shapes began to form in the air before it. Circles and angles spun and twisted. Within each, the Elf could see glyphs and mysterious graphic symbols shift and morph into complicated formularies. Malin struggled to regain his senses as the Daemon raised the staff and the shapes began flowing towards him. He knew he must fight back, prevent the creature from claiming his life, or worse; stealing away his magic.

Malin reached deep inside, drew forth the magic that existed there and sent it crashing against the magical constructs. Silvery flames licked from Elven fingertips reaching across the space between them. It struck, sparking and flaring brightly on the Daemon's spells. For a moment it forced them backwards, causing them to buckle beneath the onslaught. A look of concern crossed the creature's visage.

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