Friends, Outlined

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Essay Outline

It's good to have friends for several reasons. In this essay, I will explicate why. ((EXPAND INTRO PARAGRAPH))


You just really need juice. Friends are good here because occasionally they have juice that they are willing to share.Talking to your pets just doesn't get the job done. Friends can talk back. Cats can talk back, too, just not as comprehensively.You are touch-starved. Friends give hugs. Strangers and family members may also give hugs, but these are not the same. Your friends will not grab your ass or pinch your cheeks. ((CAN USE WORD ASS IN ESSAY??))You just really need fries. Friends are good here because occasionally they have money and can buy you fries.You talk during movies. Your friends forgive this flaw and will sometimes find your comments hilarious.Your taste in music is atrocious. That is okay because your best friend will listen to anything as long as it's not reggae.You just really need to be high. Friends are good here because occasionally they have weed. Alternatively, hanging out with friends can cause a whole lot of dopamine, which is just as good. ((MENTIONING WEED IN ESSAY IS RISKY, MAYBE CUT THIS??))You cry a lot. Your friends understand this and will help you through it. They will talk you through how to feel better and will hold you until you stop.You get overly excited when you see any type of animal. Your friends find this endearing as opposed to aggravating.You just really need someone to come over so you don't harm yourself. Friends are good here because they love you and value your life, so they are more than willing to sit with you for as long as you need to feel safe again. ((TOO HONEST?))You have become hyperfixated on one Netflix show. Your friends put up with you talking about only that and will volunteer to watch it with you.Your friends read your poems. This is fun to watch but oftentimes they are too nice to provide valuable feedback. Maybe you should tell them to rip you a new one.



A/N this form is called a hermit crab poem which is a poem that takes the shape of something else (ex. a recipe, an instruction manual, a receipt) and I chose to do an essay outline. I have ideas on how to edit this 

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