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Godforsaken: lacking any merit or attraction; dismal

I once came across an article that states, "Humans, in part because their diets are adaptable, are the most widely distributed mammal on Earth, inhabiting nearly every godforsaken corner of this planet" and thought we do inhabit every godforsaken corner of this planet but then I thought again. This planet is too grand, too glorious, too glamorous to be godforsaken. The corners and crevices hold creatures too young to be known; the seas hold creatures so old they have forgotten their own names; the ground holds the remnants of creatures we have killed off. It is us that are godforsaken. But this planet protects her creatures as well as she can. The article states, "Humans are miraculous, let us praise adaptability". The planet states, "My young run from you, my old hide from you, and my dead despair over their distant relatives' inevitable demise.

"A god may have forsaken my creatures, but they are not godforsaken. They have merit, attraction. They are not dismal. They survive in spite of you, to spite you, and one of these days, the articles will state "Godforsaken humans, in part because their diets are adaptable, were the most widely distributed mammal on Earth; they inhabited nearly every corner of this planet"."


A/N I fucking hate this the prompt was not one I was looking forward to but uhh have this trash poem anyways

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