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I've been thinking about making a story out of this and found inspiration for it so I'm going for it.

Updated chapter 1 because I found out that, well, Daenerys doesn't allow slaves XD so I'm changing to story a little so that it fits her character.  

Took a while to post because I wanted to finish the drawing first, ended up speed drawing because I'm impatient..... as always XD                                                                           

I'll probably not follow the series completely though. Enjoy.

Waking up to a soft bed was the best thing to happen to Lin in years. She reveled in the soft touch of the cloth as she moved her fingers over it. She was clean, freshly clothed and her wounds were dressed. A dream come true.

It had been several days since she had been brought to the queen, confined to the bed because of her injured leg. Her room wasn't as grande as the other rooms in the castle and she knew it but to even have a room in the castle of the queen? Now that was something she could never refuse.

She smiled looking around her. The room was small and practically empty, in the corner of the room lay a chest, next to it a chair other than that there was nothing in here, even the walls were bare but she didn't mind. The room was of ivory colour, it made the room brighter with the sunlight coming through the open windows. A maid had come by earlier to open them at her request.

The smell of the sea was new to her, refreshing. She had lived in the center of the city for the few weeks that she had been here not having had the time or the thought of going closer to the open waters.

Lin continued admiring the outside from were she was sitting on the bed. The healers told her to rest her leg so she couldn't even get a chair and sit outside on the terrace. The injury was nasty and hurt a lot but she knew she would survive it, she always did.

Quickly turning her head away from the window she tried to busy her mind with the few books that the maid had brought instead of the thoughts that came to mind about who she was. It was something she had to forget.

It was only after the sun had nearly left the sky that a visitor knocked on the door. The blonde thought it would be the maid that was assigned to her but to her surprise it was the queen herself, and she was alone.

Lin cleared her throat and genuinely smiled clearly startled by her visitor. "Uhm, good evening your grace." She said with a joking voice, still not believing that that was actually the queen. The queen just smiled and waited for the maid to close the door before replying with a shy 'good evening' in return.

Lin stared at the queen, the queen staring back. Both not knowing what to say. Daenerys was the first to break the silence. "How have you been?.... With your leg I mean." She uttered, standing awkwardly by the door but not once breaking eye contact with the girl in front of her.

"It's okay, still hurts." She said gently not wanting to disturb the calm atmosphere. She wanted to add something funny to it but it clearly wasn't the moment so she refrained.

The queen nodded breaking eye contact and looking down, she seemed to contemplate something. " Can I take a seat?" She asked. The blonde gave a nod and observed her as she took the chair in the corner and put it next to my bed. She was amused by the queen's behaviour, as if she didn't belong here, in this room.

The queen was not at all who she thought she would be. The little she had heard from the queen was that she was ruthless, strong and of course, mother of dragons. But the person in front of her was like an entirely different woman to the stories in the streets of the city. Gentle, kind and maybe even a little shy, she wondered why that was.

"The guards tried to find the man who kept you as a slave but found out that you don't have a master. Now my question to you is, why do you wear slave chains when you're not a slave?" She said slowly. She was determined to find out. It was the reason the girl was brought to her in the first place.

Lin looked away and stared outside, she didn't want to think of the past, she wasn't ready. Taking a deep breath she told a half truth. "I didn't know there weren't any slaves here." She could almost feel the confusing energy of the woman beside her. 

Rejecting that energy she turned her head again to stare at the queen. "You're not from here are you." It wasn't a question, they both knew it. "Where are you from then? The North? Over the Narrow Sea?"

"I've never seen the sea before, this is the closest I've ever been. Do you like traveling?" The blonde tried to deflect the conversation but wasn't really good at it. She wasn't going to lie about her origins, she didn't have enough knowledge of this place and the queen was smart enough to know if she lied. "Where are you from then?" Daenerys urged on not answering the girl's question. She wanted to know, needed to even but the girl in front of her didn't give her a direct answer. "Far from here."

The blonde looked at the queen with pleading eyes, she didn't want to go trough the memories of where she came from, she wasn't ready. Dany sighed and stared down at her hands on her lap before getting up. Lin kept a watchful eye on the woman, not sure what she was going to do.

"You must be tired, I will let you rest for the night. Do you have everything you need?" Lin wasn't sure if it was normal for a common person without title to be treated this way especially if she was a stranger.

She just nodded. She was glad for the kind treatment but it only left her more confused. "Why are doing this?" She countered with a question of her own, intrigued by the beautiful woman by the door.

Daenerys just smiled. "Goodnight." She said before turning the knob and left closing the door softly.

Lin's gaze lingered on the wooden door for what felt like an eternity. She finally decided on getting ready for bed and soon fell asleep with the gentle breeze of the wind coming from the open window and a smile on her face.

That night was the first time she slept peacefully without the shadows of her past lingering around her, instead a speck of white followed her in her dreams.

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