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Janey's Story

First day of meeting Zera and Janey already felt a connection with her. She was almost sixty at the time and was a retired member of the Society. At her peak, she fought alongside some of the Society legends. The Rebellion hadn't existed back then, mainly due to the fact the Society were just so strong and controlling no one dared to rebel. Now it was weaker and in the middle of the Society's darkest days. And no, it's not Nicholas's fault. He just happened to be unfortunate enough to have been selected as the Head whilst the Society was at its worst.

She would go on about many stories that had been lost in time and some the other members of the Society dared not to mention. Like how Harrison used to be part of it. No one ever told her that. Zera liked explaining all the mischievous things she made little Harrison do for her.

Zera soon became a mother figure for Janey and, based on her stories, she was sure Harrison felt the same. Hearing a new side of the Society's archenemy made Janey think the worst: maybe he wasn't actually as bad as they thought.

"If he used to be part of the Society, do you think sometimes he wishes he never left?" Janey asked, sipping on the hibiscus tea she didn't quite like but only drank because it was the only tea Zera had.

"Of course. Though I don't know whether it's from time to time or simply all the time, I know for a fact he does. Even I miss it. Although it's very weak and practically over now, I miss it sometimes."

Janey swirled a spoon around in the tea and sucked on the insides of her cheek.

"He spared my life... Only because he said the Rebellion will kill me. Why does he want the Rebellion to kill me?"

"It's a test. Harrison left the Society when it started to weaken and small the groups formed. Obviously not as big as the one after you but still not at all good. He was one of the best in his time and felt continuing working for the Society at the time was a waste of his expertise. The Society was also full of corruption. He needs someone to prove to him the Society is worth joining again and strengthening. If you survive, he'll probably return."

"And if I don't?"

"He won't. But that's not the only way to prove your worth to him. He wants you to prove just how much you need his help."


"I can't tell you that. You have to figure out yourself."

Hours passed after that exchange and yet Janey still sat at the window, wondering how on Earth she could prove her worth and whether the Society really needed Harrison.

"There's a library not that far away with some history of the Society. The type of stories you'd never find anywhere else. It'll really be helpful... But also be careful. Too much knowledge brings danger. The Society is a mysterious place. Sometimes knowing less is best. When you feel like you're researching in a field that seems to stray off what you know, but it away. Immediately. Don't read on," Zera told her, her voice full of warning.

Janey just nodded before standing up.

"Where exactly is it?"


Janey isn't much of a fan of being told what to do so, unsurprisingly, when she got to the library, she immediately picked out a book she didn't know much on: the first Rebellion.

"Interested in the Society?" The librarian asked, sitting beside her with a cardboard smile.

"Not really," Janey lied, faking an Australian accent. "It's for a university project."

"They don't really learn much about the Society in Singapore."

"I'm from Melbourne in Australia."

"Oh, really? Not trying to sound rude or anything but why are you here then?"

"My brother came to Singapore a few years ago and fell in love. The wedding is later on this week so I had to fly in for it. The project is due next week so I could use this time as a holiday."

"I see... The Society is a wonderful community. I used to be part of it. Really amazing and friendly and helpful... Until one of the members betrayed and it fell to nothing more than speck of dust."

"Really?" Janey looked through her book. "Says nothing about all that in these books."

"These books are exaggerated and if not, fiction. Based on what people from the outside imagined of the Society. Nothing is known for certain."

"So, you used to be part of it. Why'd you leave?"

"I retired. I'm not as swift and sneaky as I used to be. Now you can hear me from a mile away."

"I see... Is it alright if I write that in my report? That you were part of it and someone left?" Janey picked up her pen and placed it on the paper she had been taking notes on.

"Of course. I'm Marilyn Tan and the person that rebelled was... Well, let's just refer to him as Harrison."

"Harrison," Janey repeated as she wrote it down. "And could you give me more information on him?"


"Marilyn Tan? That big two-faced liar! She's a scammer! A worthless-" Zera shouted before Janey interrupted.

"So everything was a lie?"

"Yes. Harrison wasn't what made the Society fall. It already had fallen!"

Janey wasn't sure what to believe. Harrison was like Zera's child. She could be saying all that to protect him, or because she knew more about it that anyone else.

"So, should I go back there again tomorrow or not?"

"You may go if you want. But do your own research. Don't let her fool you. And never tell her or anyone that you actually work for the Society. It's for the best."

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