A Throwback Thursday

Start from the beginning


No, it wasn't the first time that he got that kind of slip. Heck, if it was his first time, he wouldn't be upset at all. In Reece's mind, not getting detention longer than 2 months or maybe just 1, that was a freaking golden achievement.

But this time, this was the first detention that he got that he didn't deserve. It wasn't a secret that the senile Physics teacher, Mrs. Hanservalt, hated his guts. It was all because the first time he went to her class, Reece spoke extra loud just because he assumed that her eardrums were basically covered with rust. It turns out she had hearing aids, and she targeted him ever since.
Well, it wasn't his fault that this granny should've retired 20 years ago and couldn't stand him talking so loudly. But let's be honest here, if you crank up your hearing aids that much, Reece could freaking breathe and that hag would still say he was being too loud. And that was what happened.

That granny gave him detention for freaking breathing too loud. And it wasn't even unintentionally mean, that hag was grinning when she held that pen like it was a national treasure.

And it just so happened that his Mom had already made plans on that day but it had to be canceled because of this. It wasn't like he always had time with Mom anyways.

So when he got to that detention class, he was this close to kicking down the door.

And Halley Bodea could see that.

It wasn't a surprise to see her there- let's be real here, it's never a surprise- but usually, that girl would spend her time sleeping with her headphones on as if this  wasn't written on the blackboard:


But this time, she actually opened her eyes when he entered the room looking like there was a stick up his ass.

"Woah, new boy! You look friendly today, don't you now," she said, turning in her seat to face him. "What's wrong? Daddy issues? Or did they cancel another season of Real Housewives?"

On normal circumstances, Reece would still pretty much avoid her like a plague. But he wasn't in the mood to back down. "Hilarious, Bodea. Never thought you had it in you to keep up with reality TV. Your life too shitty to be one?"

"We're on a last name basis now? That's not fair, I don't know yours."

"You sure you won't black out tomorrow and forget it anyways? I'm surprised you remember yours." Reece didn't bother to look at her, focusing on his notebook instead, he didn't want to accidentally look at her if he went too far.

But if anything, she was sounded more impressed. "I happen to have a very high tolerance for the hard stuff, you asshat." She paused for a moment. "So, what happy thing happened to you?"

Reece let out a dry laugh. "You're a therapist now?"

"No, just bored. I hate people and it looks like you're hating someone too right now, and I love a good hating."

He could feel her eyes still on him. And he had no idea what drove him to it but after a few minutes, he found himself talking. "It's that teacher. Mrs. Hanservalt."

Halley scoffed, "That old Nazi? What did she do? Beat you up?"

"Har, Har." He then told her all about it: the on-going hatred between him and that hag, how much he hated how he was somehow singled out from the entire class. Everything felt a bit too satisfying.

And the weird thing is, Halley looked like she was actually, genuinely listening.

By the time he was finished, she had a sly smile on her lips. A look that just screamed out trouble. When she said, "I have a plan for you. Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" Reece didn't know why he agreed to it, but he did.

That's where all the shit started.


Reece stared at his handiwork, a huge smirk pulling on his lips. It felt like a huge rock was lifted from his chest and something like pride filled in. Everything was a wreck but it wasn't enough to be too extreme.

A couple of broken chairs, tables, and furniture, aren't too bad right? Oh, and a few cracked windows. Also, that TV was too old to survive anyways.

"You sure she won't know about this?" Reece asked the girl beside him, who was casually lying down as she looked at the clouds above. Huh, what a cheesy ass.

"Nope. I stole those boots from the janitor's closet. And only he and the principal should have the key so unless she thinks they did it- that'd be a good laugh-, she's at a dead end."

"Then why do you have a key?"

"I copied it, duh." Then she turned to him. "But you were doing a pretty shitty job, Alexander."

He raised an eyebrow. "So you do know."

"Sure. I still prefer calling you asshat. Or asshole. Or dumbass. Or-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You love my ass." He snickered.

Her face immediately turned cold. "I will kill you in your sleep."

Reece didn't say another word after that.

And that is the story on how he got into this big mess with the red-headed demon. According to her, she still hated his guts but he was a bit useful so she dragged him into everything. Eventually, they got paid. But that's a story for another day.

Even if Reece had worked with her for a bit more than 2 years, sometimes he still forgot a rule. Well, there's only one rule but it was sacred. Because if he broke it, hell will come raining down on him.

And yesterday, he did it. He broke the rule. He ignored Halley Bodea.

It was only the next day, during lunch, did he realize this.

Sitting down at his usual table, Reece was minding his business while listening absent-mindedly to Mara and Toby's arguing about some freaky conspiracy theory when suddenly the cafeteria door slammed open.

"REECE  F**KING ALEXANDER!" The scream roared and echoed in the hall and everybody went silent as the girl with fiery red hair stomped towards the boy with murder in her eyes.

Well, he screwed up.

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