The Next Day

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That night got pretty steamy for you and Sam but it also got pretty intense for Castiel. Cas was lying in his bed with Dean in his arms with plans for the next day but Cas couldn't sleep at all, he managed to get up without waking Dean which honestly wasn't hard, the man sleeps like a bear. Cas snuck out of the hotel through a fire escape in the back and went out behind the hotel in a semi-open area, perfect for what he was here to do because no one could see him.

"Hey, Totty if you can hear me it's Cas, I really need your help right now I can't say with what but if you could come talk it would very helpful to me"


"Totty! thanks for coming, can you help me?"

"What happened? you look terrible"

"Well for one I'm human, Azmay took my grace..." Cas says looking at the ground in shame

"Oh dear, why? did you do something wrong?"

"You know what I've been doing Tot, I'm breaking the number one rule of angels," Cas says in an angry voice rolling his eyes at the sky

"What? the whole don't be in a relationship with a human thing?? isn't he kinda behind?"

"I know that's what I thought but he said he only recently got word that I was with a guy and I guess that sent him over the edge, he and I used to be so close. We did everything together, I never thought he would be like this" Cas said sounding sadder and sadder as he talked

"Are you happy?"


"With Dean, does he make you happy?"

"Oh, yes very. He treats me like a princess" Cas giggled

"Then Azmays opinion doesn't matter," Totty says firmly giving Cas a half smile

"I know" Cas chuckled

"So what do you need help with?"

"Do you know anyone who has a way of talking to Azmay or anything? I really want my grace back"

"Uhh, I don't know of a way that I could do it myself but there's this necklace that Azmay has been looking for across town, maybe if word got out that you have it you could draw him in and do your thing"

"A necklace?"

"It's a necklace that an old woman named Maggie bought at a garage sale a few years ago that has a crystal that was blessed on by God himself. Azmay is in touch with God and he's trying very hard to become his little servant and God must have mentioned the crystal because he wants it desperately" Totty said noticing Cas' excitement "Its risky Cas, he will more than likely do anything to give God what he wants"

"How do you know about it?" Cas says looking up at her as she leans against a tree

"local word, we've been hearing about the stuff he's been looking for and we know where a lot of it is but we refuse to tell him because frankly, he's really annoying" Totty giggles

"Thanks, Tot I'll talk to you later I need to get back to bed before Dean notices im gone"

"Okay Cas, pray to me if you need any more help, please"

"will do"

Cas walks back to the room quietly trying not to wake anyone, he hears some subtle moans coming from yours and Sams room as he walks by causing him to chuckle gently. He slowly pushes the door open and looks at Dean lying on the bed half awake and half asleep.

"Where have you been?" Dean groans

"It's okay Dean, go back to sleep" Cas whispers as he crawls in bed beside dean latching onto him to steal his warmth. Dean buries his face in Cas' chest and drifts off to sleep and eventually so does Cas now that he can think a little clearer.

The Girl With The Vamp Problem/Supernatural/DestielTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang