Day 1

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It was a normal day of hunting, you got a lead about some vampires just outside of Kansas so you rigged a car and got on your way with your bag of essentials like holy water (obviously not for vamps though) and knives.. And guns.. And.. Well a lot. You arrive get your knife and ask around to see if anyone has saw anything strange recently like uh people with giant sharp teeth chewing on each other. So far everyone in the town just looked at you like you were crazy when you mention anything out of the ordinary, like always.
You find yourself a "nice" hotel to stay in for the night since the drive to Kansas knocked you out

"and here's your room key miss Elizabeth" the receptionist said handing you a key

"thank you ma'am" you say as you grab it and head to bed.

The next morning you get up and get right back to work on this case. You decided it was probably a good idea to head out to find some breakfast so you grab your jacket and go. On the way to your car you get grabbed by the neck from behind by a man who you've never seen before

"wh--who are you?" you manage to say angerly as you're being chocked

"shhh" he said as he gives you a creepy smile, covers you're mouth, chokes you unconscious, drags you behind the building and throws you in his trunk.

When you regain consciousness its dark and you're tied to a chair in a barn and you have no idea where you are.
*clomp* *clomp* *clmop* you hear as the same man from before walks to your sight from behind the big tractor about 30 feet in front of you.

"well, well, well if it isn't the girl who's here to kill my family" he said

"oh shit who busted me? I'll have to get better security next time" you say sarcastically and smirk

"oh you think this is funny?" he says getting annoyed with you

"little bit actually. You see, I'm a hunter I HUNT things. You and your 'family' are things that I hunt. And when I get out of this chair I'm going to obliterate all of you" you say as you quietly slide a little knife you keep in your sleeve out and start sawing the rope around your wrists

"well you see I'm a vampire and all I'd have to do right now is bite you and you'd be one of us but honestly I don't know if I'd want you to be. I don't think we could handle that much stupidity to be on us" he says smiling like he really accomplished something

"well why don't we talk then. A little family chatter since you're so confident that it's so easy to turn me and you have this under control. One, what's your name?" you say giving him a go to hell look "Ron" he says

"hi Ron. Now two, are you sure I'm really just that stupid you say and you jump up out of the chair dodging his swings until you make it over the the tractor where there is a old rusty lawnmower blade on the ground so you quickly grab it causing Ron to yell for help and you slice his head clean off. You take a quick breath before 3 more vamps run at you from different directions punching you from all different ways. You managed to get two of them down and you strart darting through the barn at lightening speed. As you get to the back where you find the car you were thrown in that has a clear box with all of the knives and guns you had in your jacket, you very quickly rip the box open and get your machete out and in perfect time too. Right as you get out of the car there is one of the other vamps running at you limping slightly. You two dance around before you end up chopping his head off too. You proceeded to go back in the barn to find the other, female Vamp who was also attacking you. You find her on the ground unable to move in pain, you end her right there and walk out of the barn to the car you were brought there in holding your stomach, limping in pain. You rig the car and start going down the road when suddenly it dies in the ditch partially in the road. You push the car down the bank into the feild just so it doesn't get hit and you sleep in the back seat all night long.

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