1. Arrival

23 2 0

12,246 A.D.


Colony World, Third Horizon

"You sure you still want to get off here, son?"

Denis Richards stood at the top of the gangway looking out at the dusty city. "I paid my fare, didn't I?"

The ship's captain nodded, "That you did, son, but there's nothing that can stop a man from changing his mind. I've never been this close to the edge of the horizon and I don't think I ever want to again. Rocquamport is a nasty place."

Denis watched a dirty cloud scud over the skyline and silently agreed. Not that he had a choice. "Thanks for your advice, but I'll be getting off here."

"It's your choice," said the old man shaking his head. "Your bag is waiting for you at the bottom."

Denis nodded, not looking away from the landscape that was his future, though his mind lingered on the past. Whatever you're doing now Falk, I hope you're unhappy.

He picked up his bag, pausing to glance inside. A comforting dull black greeted his eyes, and he zipped the bag closed. At least Falk hadn't gotten everything. A heavy footstep intruded on his thoughts, and he looked up as the dockmaster approached.

"Sign your name here, here, and here."

Their implants synched, and Denis waved his finger through the air quickly signing off on the virtual form.

The dockmaster pointed to his bag, "Got any contraband?"

"Nope." Den fought the urge to pull his bag closer. Even if he looked, the dockmaster wouldn't see anything.

The man shrugged, scratching a scruffy beard, "Your loss. If you want to rent a car the desk is over there."

Denis looked in the direction the man pointed and saw a stout woman dominating a single rental car counter. She squinted at him as if daring him not to rent a car.

"No thanks, I'll be fine."

"Suit yourself." The man wheezed away.

Denis watched him go, any hope that Rocquamport would be welcoming disappeared. The Captain had said she would have someone here to meet him. He looked around. Aside from the crew members preparing the transport for lift off, there were no other people in the terminal.

He wondered if they forgot he was coming. It would be just his luck. Calling on his implants he pulled up the local news and started reading. The articles flickered unsteadily on the lower edge of his vision. The net system was archaic.

What else did you expect? You're on the edge of civilization.

And thanks to Falk, he was stuck here. The law of the United Planets Congress (UPC) wasn't kind to people who hacked quantum level computers. His net credentials had been instantly revoked along with his citizenship when Falk had been caught using them. He wondered what the bastard was doing.

Denis walked to the waiting area and sat down by his bag. His whole life was in the bag now. Everything he'd worked for, for the past five years. Not that he had anything to show for it of course. He laughed bitterly, fingering the heavy signet net ring weighing down his right hand. Normally he thought of it as his lucky ring, but today it had lost its charm.

An hour later he had had enough. They had forgotten about him. No one had come through the terminal and he doubted anyone was going to. The woman at the rental car desk was squinting at him hungrily. I guess that means I'm walking, he decided. He got to his feet and loaded the map to the building where his new job supposedly waited. At least it was only about an hour's walk. He could've been there by now if they'd told him.

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