5: Investigation Of The Detective Boys

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

And while the other kids were wondering about it, Professor Agasa came out of the kitchen.

"Ah! Rin-kun, Ai-kun, Conan-kun, could you come here in the kitchen for a while?" He noticed the guest standing by the door. "Everyone, Ryoma-kun is already awake. You can visit him in Rin-kun's room if you want. And Miyuzaki-sensei, Yanai-sensei, can you please explain the situation to him? He's a bit confused right now."

"That's what we came to do today." Doctor Yanai guided the other kids upstairs where the room was located.

Haibara, Kourin, Conan, and Professor Agasa then headed to the kitchen.


In the kitchen...

"What's wrong, hakase? Calling us all of a sudden..." Then Conan glanced at Kourin who became quiet.

The professor sighed and looked at Haibara. "Ai-kun, since you're a chemist, could you help Miyuzaki-sensei and Yanai-sensei make the antidote for the chemicals?"

"So it was me they're referring to when they said that they're going to need someone's help." She sighed. "I get it. Don't worry. I'll do the best I can to help them make the antidote."

"Shinichi, you will be helping Rin-kun to investigate Ryoma-kun's case. By the way, Rin-kun..." The girl looked at the portly professor when she heard her name. "There was a call from someone you knew. She said her name was Shouko."

"Shouko-san? Why did she call you?" Kourin was surprised to know the news.

The professor shrugged. "Who knows. But she said something about the Dark Rose. I think it's really important for you to know that since it seemed that she was in a hurry when she called."

She was stunned and her eyes widened at the same time when she heard that. "Dark... Rose?" she mumbled as she tried to absorb the thought in her mind.

"Dark Rose? Is that some kind of organization?" Conan asked but it seemed that Kourin didn't hear him. "Oi, Rin!"

Kourin was startled and then she looked at him and Haibara with shocked eyes full of fear.

"What's wrong, Rin-san?" Haibara asked silently in a concerned tone. Kourin shook her head.

Conan frowned and looked worriedly at his cousin. "Rin, are you alright?"

The girl nodded and showed a faint smile to them. But Conan could easily tell that the smile was forced. "I'm fine. It's just that... I'm just surprised with what I heard." Then she faced Professor Agasa. "Hakase, did she tell you anything more after that?"

"Hmm..." The professor tried to recall the phone conversation. "She just said that the Dark Rose is on the move to destroy a target. And she wanted you to know who so she said that she'll call you later."

"Is that so?"

Conan and Haibara looked at Kourin intently as the professor talked to the girl.

And right now, Kourin couldn't hear anything about what the professor just said.

'Dark... Rose... It seemed that I'll be facing my dark past sooner than I thought. But if they're also after Ryoma-niichan, who is their real target?' Her thoughts plunged deeper into her mind. And suddenly, she remembered something. 'Otou-sama, Okaa-sama, I know you wanted me to live that's why you saved me that night. Onii-sama, I know you wanted it that way, too. But I have to do whatever it takes for me to save Ryoma-niichan so that he wouldn't suffer the same sorrow and pain I had when I lost almost all of those people I care about in the whole world. I wouldn't let him feel the same way.'

✔ | DETECTIVE TENNIS 1: The Targeted Tennis Player Of Seigakuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें