The outcast

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Heavy feets lightly stomping the earth,
Waists wiggling to the beats of the drum, as their jigida swings to the rhythm of the waist.
Swift hands beat the drums as strings of Melody flows from their lips.
Then suddenly everything stops, the wind seemed to notice and calmed, and the trees froze, the dancers stopped and stared in awe and jealousy, the drummers hands froze in space with stunned faces.
Still the maiden continued dancing to the beats from her heart, oblivious of hate and jealousy that surrounded her, losing herself to the ecstatic beats from within, at that moment the world felt like a better place, all sorrows, fears and nightmares forgotten.
Then the drummers remembered themselves and continued drumming and this time she danced vigorously that everyone feared her jigida would snap.
Nma froze as a voice arose from the crowd yelled "she's the outcast, the village witch. She's come to stain us with her abominable spirit, everyone run for your lives" as they all gasped and Rand away in different directions and the village square became deserted.
Under the moonlight her tears glistened her beautiful face value as she thought of ending it all on the only tree in the village square.

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