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Your heart started to beat faster with anticipation. 

You moved slowly with heavy kimono dragging behind you. Two apprentices walked forward, swiping open shoji doors before you. The room that earlier was resounding with excited chatter instantly calmed. Light from a few single candles danced on the walls, flickering as your line walked inside. 

Room was quite small. Walls were decorated with panels with painted birds and fields. The guests sat around, small tables before them with bottles of sake and some snacks. In the corner of the room rested a courtesan with shamisen. She played a delicate memory.
You felt gazes on you as you walked inside. You lifted your head with soft jingle of the hair ornaments, and followed the bow all courtesans made before you. You counted six men altogether inside the room, including Harada and Heisuke. You looked over at Harada that was staring back at you with unreadable expression. You sent him a small apologetic smile. In your defense, it wasn't your idea.

All courtesans sat down at their designated places, you chose a vacant one beside a young man. He would be a bit older than you were, maybe in his late twenties. He moved a bit to make a place for you. You sent him a smile, while he bashfully turned his gaze, fidgeting.

You sneaked a peak at Chizuru, who sat by another gentleman to your right. He was wide in his posture, with a balding head, he seemed to be the eldest of all the men gathered in the room. He seized the girl up and down, while sipping sake from a small cup. You hoped she'll be fine.

Heisuke was sitting in a corner, a courtesan to his side tried to make a conversation. He seemed to be a bit too nervous to enjoy it as his gaze jumping around the room.

A cough to your side brought you back to the man beside you.

''What's your name?'' he manager to squeak. You didn't have idea that you could make men shy as this. But you guessed the make up and your whole outfit did wonderful job.

''I'm...'' you trailed off. Courtesans had nicknames, you recalled. You racked your brain for a name, as you didn't want to give your own.

''Yes?" the young man moved closer.


''Ah, beautiful name ... for a.. such a beautiful w-woman as you.''

You smiled back at him.

''Thank you.''

You looked around the room and noticing courtesans pouring a drinks to their patrons, you copied their moves. You turned to man beside you, ''What's your name, sir?''

''I'm Wakizaka Katsuyuki. N-Nice to meet you.''


You filled his cup and he quickly swallowed sake. You guessed he wished to calm his nerves. You wondered if he had valuable information that could help Shinsengumi. He didn't seem like somebody you could trust with important matters as he seemed to be nervous as a cat.

You chatted for a while, while you took a few sips of sake. You didn't feel like getting drunk, but you guessed few sips should be just fine. Wakizaka with every cup loosened up more and more, and was talking about his way from Edo.

You filled another cup as you let your eyes wander around the room. Clutter of cups, sounds of shamisen, gentle voices mashed with laughter; all of this created vivid image in your head of something alien and foreign. When you were dressed up, for a moment you felt glamourous. Sitting inbetween women dressed in impressive kimonos, each beautiful on its own, you felt as if you were in a different world. A world that you could only observe from the sidelines, because in the end it wasn't your own world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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