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''Let me get this straight,'' you said, running your hand through your hair.

Three heads nodded. You clapped your hands gathering the attention.

''You're sending Chizuru as a spy to Shimabara and you need kimono for her."

''Basically, yes," Harada said.

You sent him a glare. It was, without any doubt, a ridiculous idea, and you were keen on letting him know that. You looked over at Chizuru who stood with Harada and one other man, which you had been just introduced to. Inoue was his name.

''Out of all places, you're sending her to Shimabara?" you asked, stepping closer to Harada. ''Has Shinsengumi went mad?"

You were seriously fuming and just by a chance you saw Chizuru and the other man flinching. You didn't consider yourself scary, but perhaps nobody really shouted at Harada. It wasn't in all honesty directed at him, personally. And you didn't like to shout at all.

''I'm not too keen on that either, but it's the only way," Harada replied, raising his arms in surrender. ''Besides, she won't get there without backup, Heisuke's going too."

You narrowed your eyes further.

''She's sixteen,'' you seethed. ''Shimabara is hardly place for a such girl! Dress Heisuke up if that's all that matters!"

Harada sent you a dejected sigh, his hand scratched through his auburn hair.

''M-Miss, if I may,'' a man turned to you. He was a man of great posture, standing tall over you and Chizuru both. He looked considerably older too, but maybe not your grandfather's age. His hair was tied into topknot, two swords by his side. He spoke further, ''We're aware of all of this, but circumstances are really dire. Also Yukimura agreed to assist in this mission and by all means, we won't let her get hurt. Please rest assured."

You couldn't snap at this man as you did at Harada. His age and unfamiliarity stopped you from doing so and you focused on the girl. She was scrawny looking kid, would look cute in female clothing and certainly with dose of make-up, she'd look like a courtesan. Still, she was young and didn't fit in there. You've met few of courtesans as you fetched kimono's for Hana - it was not a place for innocent kids.

''Can't you ask any of the courtesans?" you questioned instead. ''I'm sure they'd agree."

Sure was a bit of a stretch, but still.

''They are already agreeing for us to bring in weapons,'' Harada piped in. ''And some know that the men that have requested a banquet are investigated by us."

Your pouted your lips.

''I'll be fine,'' Chizuru spoke up.

''Well,'' Inoue spoke up. ''if you're still unwelcome of the idea, then Shinsengumi will make an official request and purchase the kimono."

You sighed and looked over at Harada. He looked a bit apogeletic, but in the end you knew he'd be on board with the idea. He wouldn't come to you if he had objections in Shinsengumi's decisions. Chizuru, even if of a shy posture, seemed to be determined. In the end you nodded to them and went to the back.

You picked up a fitting kimono. It was pink, in color of sakura flowers, with same motif appearing along the sleeves and to the back. It was kimono to be sold, so there were no immediate clients waiting for it. You also took all the garments that she's need along with green obi.

You went back into the front of the shop where your guests waited.

''Alright, so this is first undergarment, you should tie it with this stash. Later you put on this one and this one. In the end obi should go with that kind of knot...'' you stopped looking at their faces. Harada was smiling, but with a bit of stretch. Inoue looked confused. The girl looked lost as she tried to remember how it all fitted together. You sent them pointed look and asked, ''you have no idea how to actually dress her up."

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