Chapter 39 - Last Night

Start from the beginning

So Nathan took the role. "Hey, hey, enough of that, you're making Y/N uncomfortable!" and he swats their hands away and flip Y/N around so that when he sat down to the bed once again, Y/N's back was facing him. Nathan pulled the girl closer so that no one would see her back anymore.

Guilty, Nick backs away with a half-hearted smile and mutter a "Sorry, I just never seen something like that."

And Ella seems to just snap out of her train of thought as well and caught on with Y/N's expression. She agrees with the cupper boy then, "Yeah, I'm sorry too, chap. We didn't mean to make you feel uneasy."

Relaxing as she feel the familiar arms around her, Y/N shutters "N-no, I-it's okay, I'll get curious too if I've seen anything like it... which I haven't cause I can't basically see all the way there." She muttered the last sentence quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Nathan chuckles and paused then, feeling the radiating heat from Y/N.

Leaning in, he whispers "You have a fever." sounding a wee bit alarmed.

Y/N nodded and hushed a reply "Yeah, it's been going gone and back. Madame Pomfrey's making sure I drink my medicines."

And in return, Nathan only nodded when Ella commented "Well it looks pretty awesome to me." likely obliviously from their whispers. Ella was trying to enlighten the mood more when Y/N was beginning to smile again.

"Yeah, like it's so uniquely shaped." added Nick, "Close to a shape of a boob." and that next line made him receive a punch on the stomach by Ella, "Ow!" yelp the boy at the sudden impact and clenching on the spot, he roared "What the hell was that all about, El?!"

"Keep your dirty mouth shut!" scold older Nelson sternly and she reaches out and covered both of Y/N's ears. "I don't want you pervert-ness rubbing on my sweet, lil'o and so innocent Y/N!"

Not being able to hear what the Nelson said, Y/N bellows a "What?"

"Who are you calling a pervert?" gasp Nick as he was taken aback by the accusation. "I've never done any type of action for you information." His statement made him received a look that just says 'Are-you-kidding-me?' by both Nathan and Ella. "Oh come on!" he groans, "Prove it then! Prove to me that I'm a pervert as you say I am!"

"Everybody says that you tried to lift Cho Chang's skirt one time on her way to the Ravenclaw's Common Room and that time on the Great Hall this November." inserted Nathan, his expression still hasn't falter.

And Ella, still not unplugging Y/N's ears, added "You entered the Girl's Lavatory in the 3rd floor and just winks at whoever saw you in there and even tried to make a move on one of the 1st year Slytherin girls." then, having many things to mention. "You even flirted with Moaning Myrtle and not to mention, you literary made Parvati Patil bend down because you accidentally bump into her, just so you can check on her arse after."

"Wha..." Nick's jaw drop, "H-how are you guys... Have you been spying on me?!"

'He's not even denying any of them.' was the same thought that quickly crossed Nathan and Ella's mind and both changed disbelief looks and a mutual understand formed between the Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff.

Ella, forgetting where her hands were, felt Y/N tap the back of her hand, beckoning for Ella to let go of her ear and return her sense of hearing. "Oh, sorry." chuckled Ella. Y/N just gave a small smile and rubs her ear that's close to being sore. Ella's grip was pretty tight. "Anyways," Ella just slump down into the mattress again, "what were you guys talking about?"

Nathan, when Y/N gave him a nod to confirm she was now okay, finally left the bed to give the girl's more leg room and stood with Nick, who was puffing his cheeks –in embarrassment or just upset to being caught, Nathan doesn't know –and stretch his muscle.

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