Chapter 2 - Being Chosen

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Chapter 2

"What did they want, Hermione?" Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, pondered at his friend, Hermione Granger, as they stall in the hall. He and Ron spotted the girl not in the Great Hall at breakfast and had found themselves dumbfound of her whereabouts, only then in mid-morning, after their class, did they see her rousing from the Headmaster's Tower.

With worries, Harry run towards the girl with Ron on his side, and both of them shower the girl with question and gave no chance for her to answer, not like they did it on purpose. Only did they stop when the girl raised her hand to shush them and told that Professor Minerva had wanted to meet her with Headmaster Dumbledore.

"Don't worry Harry; it was just about my Transfiguration essay." Hermione shrugs, though knew her lie doesn't seem believable.

"Argh," Ron grunts before crossing his hands as he tries to look intimidating. "Stop taking the piss with us, 'Mione!"

"Ron!" Harry called out scolding but was put aside.

"No Harry." Ron insisted "She's surely keeping secrets from us!" and accused, gaining a glare from Hermione and disbelieved look from Harry. Dramatically, Ron pointed at Hermione before commenting "What a chap she is!"

"Ronald Weasley," belted Hermione, she then fumes "you have no right to dig on me! May I remind you the comments you have shared with everyone about me before, behind my back?" that shuts the boy up. But that doesn't mean she was done, "I don't have to explain every inch of my life to you, Ronald, I don't owe my life to you." She added before turning her heels and walked away.

Harry, torn between his companions, still called out "H-Hermione?" in worry, he didn't want for the girl to be upset.

"I'll meet you later in lunch, Harry." was the brunette's insurance of their friendship still hadn't reaches its peak.

At least, that made Harry sighs in relief. The boy, on the other hand, beside him simple muttered "What did I do?" And Harry really had to contain himself from commenting that Ron had acted like a bugger, he simply keep that to himself knowing that even Ron's a git, he's a good person and simply is just so defensive.

They headed to their classes then. As Hermione promised, the boys meet her in lunch and it took Ron several nudges from Harry to finally say sorry. Hermione, of course, forgive him and advise the Weasley about him being nosy with her business had gotten in her nerves, the reason she snaps at him. They eat and decided to put the fight aside, Hermione value the two's friendship over such silly thing anyway.

"Well, bloody hell," Ron commented out of the blue after shoving two pieces of meat into his mouth, adding "you get scary when you're mad, Hermione."

They laugh at that.

Minerva found herself watching her favorite student –to see the girl bonded with the boy-who-lived and one of the Weasley bred wasn't truly the best choice of friends but either way, it was Hermione's choice –and may not have been so subtle about that when her old friend, Albus Dumbledore, chuckled beside her. "What?" She asked the man.

"You have to stop worrying too much, Minerva." Albus commented, seeing through the woman's mask of stern feature. "Do you doubt her now?"

"That would be outrageous, Headmaster." Minerva disagrees with a shake of her head. "I'm simply worried for one of our student."

This made Albus frown upon the remembrance of the last time. "Alas, I wouldn't dare think of her differently."

"I know," Minerva sighs, "but we could have prevent this if she just..."

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