━━━ battle of the STEMs

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Battle of the STEMs.




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LIKE EVERY OTHER DAY Elena was held up in her work room on the Go-Sci ring. She was trying to work out if it would ever be possible for her to build her own A.I . At that point in time she was getting nowhere as she needed the complete understanding of the human anatomy paired with a skilled mechanic or engineer and while she was clever, she wasn't like her mom or dad and she'd never ask for their help as that would mean admitting her field relied on theirs, and she was too prideful to do that.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she closed the text book and stood up in front of the board in the room, in hopes that looking at the equations written on it would grant the 'eureka' moment she was dying for.

"Giving up already?" A familiar voice asked in a teasing tone. She whipped her head abruptly in the direction of the voice, and was met with the amused face of her long time friend Wells Jaha.

"Not a chance" She replied whilst taking a swig of her water and looking back at her writing, "I know I'm on the right track."

"You sure?" Wells questioned as he saw the defeated look on her face. He knew she was having trouble with what she was working on but he also knew that she would never admit it.

"Look who you're talking to" She told him, whilst turning around briefly to look at him, "If there's anyone that can do this, it's me."

"You know you could always ask them for help" Wells stated after he saw her make no movements to continue with the problem she was facing. He didn't even have to say the names for Elena to know who he was talking about. She physically shuddered at the thought of lowering herself enough to ask what she called 'the gruesome twosome' for help.

"Uh-uh, no way, absolutely not" She shook her head as these words left her mouth quickly. It was bad enough that Carter was involved in her mother's field and Raven in her father's but they would always join forces to make Elena miserable and if she ever admitted she needed their help, they'd never let her live it down.

"Why not?" Wells asked, never truly understanding the feud between the three.

"You know why" She replied, but the eyebrow raise she got in return caused her to elaborate, "They're the most arrogant people I have ever met, I can barely handle talking to them, I cannot imagine what working with them would be like."

"Sounds like someone I know" He said with a hint of a knowing smirk playing at his lips.

"Ha ha" She sarcastically retorted, her eyes glaring at the dark skinned boy, "You may not get where I'm coming from but I'm being serious, they'd just find a way to mock me about it later on and I'm not subjecting myself to future ridicule."

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