My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor clearing his throat as he came towards us. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I loved when people did that. He asked Ama what had happened and he looked at me to tell him.

"H-he woke up." I said shyly. His face lit up and he smiled his face off.

"Really? What happened?" He asked me contently.

"I was next to him, holding his hand and praying. And I guess God heard my prayers. He can do miracles you know." I said, with a few tears in my eyes.

"I'm glad he is awake, and I'm glad your God answered your prayers."

"Thank you." I replied as he got inside the room and closed the door behind him. I smiled and told Ama I had to make a few calls, to what he nodded and went to sit back down on his sleeping bench.

I guessed the first person I should tell was Lily. She had come every once in a while and I could tell she was hurting a lot. She had gotten skinnier and paler. I didn't care about anything she had done, I just wanted her to be okay. I hated seeing people sad or hurting. I took out my phone and asked Ama for Ky's phone to check her number. I dialed it and rang her. After a few moments, she picked it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" I could hear her weak voice on the other side. I took a deep breath before I started talking, I couldn't sound so excited. I didn't know, it felt wrong next to her tone, which clearly showed she was hurting.

"Lily, it's me, Lauren." I replied, trying to cover my emotions as much as I could.

"Oh, what do you want?" She sounded cold, she probably wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"I-it's Ky..." I said and then all I heard was silence on the other side.

"W-w-what happened?" She stuttered. I guessed she was expecting some bad news. I smiled to myself, knowing I would probably lighten her day.

"He..." I started. "He woke up, Lily, Ky has awoken."

"What?!" She asked, astonished.

"Yes, Lily, he is okay and up." I said and started crying. I could hear her sobbing too.

"Are you serious?"

"Never been more serious." I reassured her. She started crying out loud then.

"Lauren you just gave me the best of news, I'm getting ready and I'll be there." She said, her mood getting so much better.

"Okay, come, but you probably won't be able to see him, he can't be under much stress or exposed to surprises. Not even Arama or me are with him now." I told her.

"It's okay, I'm still going. Thank you for telling me so soon."

"You're welcome, Lil." I said and hung up. I smiled to myself: I could make her day brighter, I did the right thing.

I knew I had to call my mom, she was probably worried, she looked like it when she came see me two days ago. I looked for her on my contacts and called her.

"Laur? Is everything okay?" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"Can you put the phone on speaker so everyone can hear?" I asked her. She mumbled in agreement.

"Hey, Lauren, it's Christina, we can all hear you." Christina said.

"Okay, it's Ky. He is okay and awake." I informed them and I heard relieved gasps and someone yell exclaim 'yay'.

"Laur, this is great news!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Yeah, I will talk to the doctor and ask him when he can leave and I'll be home as soon as possible." I told them.

"It's okay honey, just stay with him until he is okay enough to go home." Dad said to me and I smiled to myself.

"Will do, dad, thank you for being so supportive guys, I love you all."

"We love you too!" They all answered. I looked around and saw the door to his room opening.

"I think the doctor's out, will talk to you later, bye!" I goodbye'd them and they did too.

I walked up to Ama who was waiting for the doctor to come out of the room. I rubbed my hand on his back and smiled at him. Then the doctor finally came and faced us, with a smile.

"So, is he okay? When can he come home?" Ama asked desperately. He missed him so much.

"Well, he is okay, not at his best but he is fine. He can leave today afternoon, but he will have to do one more day of resting at home, with care." He informed us and we both sighed in happiness. He was back, our boy was fine, after so many days of uncertainty and pain. "You can see him now, one at a time please." We nodded.

Ama and I faced each other as the doctor left and smiled. We quickly found ourselves united in a tight embrace and honestly, it was the happiest hug we'd shared in the past week. I told him to go in first and he did. I sat on the bench outside the room and waited. Before I forgot, I took my phone out and texted my friend a fast 'He's awake, but I can't really talk now', and put my phone away in my pocket again. I heard a door slam open and running footsteps towards my spot. I looked up to see one blonde head running through the hallways with a smile on her face. Lily. I stood up and smiled at her agitated self and she clashed onto me. We hugged for a minute and then let go, still smiling our faces off. It was funny how I would've killed her a week ago but now my joy just took over me. I looked at her face, dropping happiness everywhere, on the verge of crying.

"Arama is inside right now but when he comes out you can go see him, okay?" I told her and she nodded. We sat on the bench once again and waited.

After an hour Ky's dad opened the door and came out to the hallway, a giant smile plastered on his face. I could tell he couldn't even contain his emotions. He greeted Lily, I told her to go in and she did. It wasn't until an hour later had gone by when Lily left the room and said Peter had asked her to call me. I smiled to myself and went in.

Unlike all the other times I had to enter this room, I came in rejoicing and glad to be there. He was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed indian style under the blanket. He looked like a little kid. When he saw me, he moved back a bit and left a space. Then, he patted the place left in front of him and I basically bounced there, sitting where he had indicated. He held my hand and I sat down just like him.

"I missed you, y'know." I told him as he caressed my cheek.

"I missed you too, Laur. I missed you too." He replied and I kissed him. I turned around and rested my body on his. This moment was just perfect, his words were the last thing I heard as my eyelids slowly closed. My body demanded rest after all these tiring days.

I felt somebody shake my arm and I opened my eyes. It was Lily. She told me they were ready to take Ky home and that she could take me to my house. I looked at the boy next to me, sleeping safe and sound and I grinned. He was an angel on earth. I was going to kiss him to wake him up but since Lily was there, I decided not to. I shook his shoulder gently and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, it's time for you to go home. I will go to my place but I will see you tomorrow." I informed him and he mumbled in agreement. I smirked and got up. I picked all my stuff and went with the blonde to the parking lot, where we got in the car and she took me home, where I hadn't been in for so long. When we got there, I thanked her and got out. I stood in front of the hotel's doors and then finally entered the building. I got to my floor and opened my parents' door. My family was spread all along the living room, each one doing their thing. Then, with the sound of the door closing, Joey turned his head and yelled:

"Lauren's here!"

Everyone turned their heads towards me and got up to greet me after such a long time. Each one said hi and hugged me separately and then started asking questions.

"Guys, I'm exhausted I'm not in the mood to answer right now, but I'll tell you everything tomorrow, okay?" They all nodded in agreement. "Great, I'm going to sleep." They all stepped aside and gave me room to get to my bed. Oh how I'd missed it! I laid there and soon was immersed in a world of dreams.


A/N: Thank you for 5k reads!

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now