Author's Note

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Hello Readers,

This story's origin comes from several years ago when a co-worker of mine found a wallet by the side of the road. When my co-worker looked in the wallet to try and identify the owner of the wallet, he was taken by surprise to find that the photo on the driver's license looked amazingly similar to himself. When he went to return the wallet, he found out the guy lived in a huge home in Park City and it made him question his own life choices and wonder how and why a guy that looked just like him could live in such a big home and drive such a nice car, while he struggling to pay the rent on a small apartment and drove a beater. It made us all think about the different lives we could be—maybe should be—living.

My story veers from the simple nature of the inspiration, but never loses the thread of wondering who we could be if we had the chance to start over as a different person? What would we keep about ourselves? What would we change? Are we who we are because of our genetic code or because of our upbringing or can we truly change who we are at anytime?

It turns out that with seven billion people on the planet and a only finite number of unique gene sequences, everyone has a dopplegänger out there somewhere. Many people have seen celebrity dopplegängers or that photo of the Civil War solider who is a dead ringer for Nicolas Cage. But you, fine reader, you also have a dopplegänger out there. Of course, most people never encounter theirs.

Jeff Rydell is not most people. This is his story.

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