A gunshot..?

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Reader's POV
Why do these two always go running off? I followed my old friend, Eli; who, no surprise, followed Kieran into some abandoned orphanage. I was silently walking through the "grand hall," it was so dark and quiet. Damn, why was it so cold? It obviously didn't help with the shiver running down my spine, I heard yelling coming from upstairs. It definitely sounded like their annoying bickers, there was another voice too but it was more feminine. Not to assume, they just have a higher voice than Kieran. I began to walk up the stairs, trying to keep quiet. Hey! You would do the same if there was some killer on the loose. I was able to enter the hallway when... BANG!! I nearly fell my heart beat out of my chest as I jumped to the sound. What the absolute hell was that? I bolted towards it, I had to make sure my friend was ok. I was about to creep in the room, but I just heard Kieran laugh. He just kept laughing as he turned to Emma, his girlfriend. Is this some sort of joke to him? Where is Eli? I know he was here, he couldn't have gotten far. I looked back in the room, and Kieran just suddenly shot Eli three times. Kieran explained that he was the killer, he held the gun towards Emma as he explained his plan and how he dated the last murderer... yuck! "And then I showed up with a gun!" A short black haired girl yelled at him, she was trying to protect her friend. "You... killed my Piper!" I couldn't take it anymore. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM, KIERAN!" I screamed, my voice broke slightly but why should I care. "What are you doing here, (y/n)?" Kieran was dumbfounded, he had me at gunpoint. "I'm your cousin's friend, at least now I used to be." He stared at me as if he waiting for me to crack, his smile disgusted me and his face was the definition of murder. I looked at Eli, his lifeless body sat against the wall. I knew Kieran' s eyes were following me instead of his girlfriend, she was looking for any way to escape. I felt more anger fuel me and I slowly looked at my feet, crouched down like I was trying to pick something up. Kieran slowly lost his guard...perfect. I charged towards him, pushing him against the water heater behind him, making sure I didn't hit the other girl. Emma ran out of the room as Kieran yelled and vastly tried to go after her. I screamed as I tried to hold him down, knowing I wouldn't last long. I could feel him pressing the gun against my back, fiddling with the trigger. I knew I was done for... BANG!! He shot and I felt my body hit the hard, cold floor. "No!" The dark haired girl yelled, before she was dragged away by her chains. I watched her desperately try to pry away from Kieran. I looked back at Eli, his dull green eyes looking down into mine. I smiled, "I'm not letting him get away. I know you wouldn't." I held my side as I stumbled out of the room, finding my emergency knife that I should have used before. Today this knife would find the gut of its a killer. I didn't have much longer...

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