{2} The pool

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Unikitty's POV

'Okay.. any minute now..' I say to myself as I'm waiting Brock's and Master Frown's arrival. 'If they take any longer, they'll be late!!' I say, getting really frustrated. 'What if they don't show up at all??' But just then I heard a car in the distance. "It's them!" I shout so the others can hear me. "At last," Rick says coming closer to me to greet them. They pull over and step outside of the car. "Ugh, finally," Master Frown sighs. "Yeah, the traffic was awful," Brock adds. "What? Even in the Unikingdom?" I curiously ask them. "Actually, yeah there's some traffic here too," Brock answers. I gasp "Unikingdom never had any traffic!" I deny. Then I worriedly look of the hill and observe the roads for a sec. There really was some traffic!- but.. I can't deal with that right now, Master Frown's here and I need to make sure he's having fun! "I'll- I'll get that later. Now! Let's go to the pool at the back, Hawkodille's making BBQ for everyone!" I say and they follow me to the pool.

"Here we are!" I say when we arrive. "Oh, glad ya made it," Hawk greets Brock and Master Frown. "Okay, so, there's still some time before Hawk finishes cooking. Do you guys have any suggestions what we should do in that time?" I ask. "Can't we go into the water already??" Puppycorn asks, unable to wait any longer to do so. "No Puppycorn, we can't get the benches wet, they are plastic though.." Rick argues, saying the last part to himself. "Ugh, I'd rather just sit in the shade," Master Frown says. "The sun is pretty dangerous right now.. I should get some sunscreen!" Dr. Fox states and runs back into the castle. We all decide to do seat in the shade under the giant umbrella, right beside the bench. "Awwww, I really want to go in the water, sis!" Puppycorn says, growing impatient. "Can't you wait just a little longer? Please?" I say politely. He thinks for a second. "Hmmm okay, but only 10 more minutes!" he gives in. "Yay, thanks lil' bro!" I say, relieved. Master Frown groans and looks away into the distance. That kinda made me sad, but none the less, I still ask him concerned in a happy tone "What's wrong, Master Frown?" He just makes eye contact with me and looks away again. I sigh to myself. "He'll be fine, don't worry," Brock answers for him. I nod and look towards the highest mountain in Unikingdom and wonder how hard it'd be climbing that.

Then suddenly, Dr. Fox walks through the back door to the pool with a lot of sunscreen. "Guys, I'm back- fully protected! You just need to put on some as well!" she exclaims and passes us the sunscreen. "I guess we should put on our swim suits before doing this," Rick suggests. "You're right!" Dr. Fox says and walks towards her bag. I do the same and go change inside. When Dr. Fox and I come back, everyone was already dressed too. 'Glad they're getting along' I say in my mind as I see Brock helping Puppycorn put on some sunscreen. Master Frown changed in his swimming trunks as well. I never realized how hot he looks without his cloak on. I blush at the site and try to avoid him noticing me blushing. "Hey, Hawkodille, do you mind helping me with the sunscreen?" Dr. Fox asks while running towards him. I can see him blush a bit "Uhh sure?" he answers and gets on with it. "Hey, where did Rick go?" I ask. "Oh, he said he had to go get the table set up for eating or something," Puppycorn says. 'Now Master Frown's the only on who can help me get some sunscreen on! Wait.. did they plan this??' I sigh and walk over to him, hoping for the best. "Heya, Master Frown, um do you mind helping with the sunscreen?"

UniFrown-Human!: Pool partyWhere stories live. Discover now