Chapter 2

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Getting out of my bunk, the guys were all in the front chatting it up. Today was my first concert with them, and I was nervous as hell. Simon did end up getting me back, but by tickling me half to death. The concert was in about two hours and we had to start getting ready. I went through my draw and picked out a pair of blue jean shorts, and a boostiea that had two rows of studs on the bra part. I found my other pair of boots that matched the top and changed my naval piercing. The piercing was black and dangled into a skull with two guitars.

Fixing my hair, adding a little lotion on my body. Walking out of the bathroom, the guys were ready. Jace, Alec, and Jordan were shirtless and wore a pair of jeans. Simon were shorts and a loose fitting black band shirt. We all just looked at each other, all sensing each other's nervousness and hyperness. Dan came to the bus, telling us it was time for sound check, and then we would meet some of the fans, then some time. Walking into the building I can see the line already starting to go around the block.

"Nervous?" A voice said behind me, I slightly turned my head to see Jace standing there looking at the fans.

"Not as much I thought I was. Just seeing them, makes this so much more real." He nods and we catch up to the other guys. Tuning and running a dry through of a couple of songs, we had to get off stage after an hour. Dan ushered us into a room, with a few fans, smiling and almost hyperventilating. I wouldn't say they 'attacked' us but more like really excited. We all took breaths and walked up to them.

"Hi." I said, slightly waving my hand. "I'm Clary, new guitarist."

"Hi!" One said way too eagerly. I smiled as everyone got into their own topics with the fans. Soon it was photo shot time with each and every fan that was in here. Which were like twenty to twenty-five of them, I noticed very few males. But they seem to perk up when they saw me. Each fan had their own story, and it was incredible as to what they've been through and what they've been going through. Some even came to tears, and I hugged them, slightly smiling and telling them it was okay to cry sometimes.

I seriously already love a lot of the fans. Most of the photo shoot, Jace had his arm around my shoulder and we all posed for the camera. Nobody was really touching each other, except when I would wrap my arm around a fan, and that Jace had his arm around my shoulders. It wouldn't be anything, if I could get it out of my mind that he had his arm around me. His skin hot to the touch, and left my shoulder with goose bumps when he took it off and everyone move, switching places to change up the order with some fans.

Most of the time though Jace was touching me, even if there was a fan between us. His hand was either touching me or when we were really close, his body. It was like he was testing me or something, seeing if he got a reaction out of me. Which I was good at hiding my emotions, he didn't get any. After the photo shoot and all the fans had left the room, we were talking about some of the fans and their stories. Sharing and feeling bad for them, but knowing that we're helping them. With our music, with what we stand for. Yeah, I was completely new to the band, but I knew what they stood for and what we all felt for our fans.

"Show TIME!" Dan yelled, opening the door. With one last glance at each other, we huddled together. Hands in the middle, on top of each other's.

"So, we just met wonderful fans, we heard their stories. Let's get out there and provide them with the best show they've been too. Let's honor them, with what we do. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. 1, 2, 3! To the best show!" We yelled the last part, and threw our hand up in the air. Jordan, Alec, and I putting our instruments on, I put on my head piece. Simon went first, sitting the cheers go louder and he threw his hands up in the air. Lightly beating the brums as everyone else went out. Jace was next, then Jordan and me, then Alec. Simon kept beating, as Jace talked.

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