End Of The Day : Klaus

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I knew what has happened since we first arrived in this house for the first time. All of the ghosts that was here, around her. Like they was protecting her. They immediately realized that I could see them and since that moment they haven't stopped speaking. At first, I didn't tell the others. I think it wasn't a good idea, it's been her story and I wasn't feeling comfortable with this. After all, they never really understood my power. And what happened with Ben before the apocalypse doesn't seem to have changed anything about their beliefs.

It's Wednesday, when she has left the house after we-don't-know-what situation, that we start a little turn around the house and see the portraits. And of all of the children on them, the only one they know was Rosalie. I remember Allison started crying and Vanya and Luther were very sad about the death of Rosy's siblings. We made a deal to never speak about it unless she speaks about it. 

One day, Ben caught me speaking to Charlotte, well he caught me speaking alone since he couldn't see her. And I told him about the ghosts. He starts blaming himself for wasn't thinking about it earlier and I make him promise to never tell the others. They would ask too much questions and frankly, I don't think it was a good thing for them to know that.

This morning, when Rosalie came into the kitchen, obviously drunk and that Ben followed her, I already knew what was going to happen. The ghosts were already laughing about it, just like me. Then Diego joined us.

During our little trip of the day, all I was able to thinking about was Rosy. I understand by what she's going through, or at least, more than others. 

When we walked back to the Academy, the moon was shining in the sky

– Klaus! We need you at home! Run! Run! Scream Charlotte.
She looks hysterical, on the nerves of a heart attack if she wasn't already dead.

– What? What's wrong? I asked her.

– Damn it Klaus! Move your fucking ass and run to roof! Rosalie gonna jump!

Without a doubt I was running like I never thought I could.
Already on the hallway. I follow the dead girl to the suicidal one's and manage to make myself to the roof by the tiny window.

She was here, facing the town. I was only able to see her back and the bottle in her hands. The ghosts was all around trying to reasoned her like if she could hear them. They all sound so desperate. Seeing her like this, make me remember every times I put myself in this situation. I understand her.

– Move your fucking ass! If you don't stop her, I swear you gonna regret it for the rest of your miserable life.

I look at her, and shake my head before takes a step to where she was standing, the roof under my foot make a noise and she flip toward me, her face drowned by the tears, big fluffy red eyes, and a mess instead of her beautiful and shining hair.

– GET OUT! NOW! she scream at me, her voice shockingly by the tears.

I could ears the other, still in the home, trying to know who was going to be the first joining us. I can tell that she was earing them too.

– If they came, I jump.
– You gonna jump whatever happened, at least that you need an excuse?

She flip away, turning her back to me again. The bottle falls to the ground.

– Don't move!

I don't know if it's was for her or for my siblings, but all of them stop moving. I take a good inspiration before make a step toward her.

— I know what you feel, but death is not a good reason.

— What do you know about what I feel !? You're surrounded by your siblings ! She said.

— Because, before were end up here, my brother Ben was dead. But, because of my power I was able to still see him. And...And... you can think it's a wonderful things, but...

I stop talking, my voice shocking too much.

— Seeing him every fuckin second was just a reminder of his death and it was hurtful. I whispered the end of my sentence.

A deadly silence surrounded us. I know they heard me. I can feel their sadness about that hurtful memory that we tend to forget that last days.

Charlotte touch my shoulder and whisper me something for her sister.

– I don't think it's a good idea... Okay ! Okay! I'll do it. But if she jump it's ALL your fault.

The young girl, was curious to know with whom the boy was speaking to. But, not that much. Her gaze lost on the darkness under her foot. She knows that it was supposed to have the statues of her siblings, but at this time of the night, nothing was visible. It was just darkness. And it's all she needs right now. Her feet start de move, she was ready.

— Clark ! Scream Klaus.
— ClarkClarkClarkClarkClark...

The suicidary girl turn on herself to face the boy, who was still scream incomprehensibling «Clark», eyes closed.

— How can you know about it ?!

I was surprise, and open my right eye, seeing the girl was now on the roof and not on the verge of jumping, I opened my other eye and start looking around me. Where the fuck is Charlotte? One of her brothers came to me, and start telling me the story behind Clark, and once he's finished, I tell her all the story too, so she can believe me. And realised that I've been telling the truth about seeing ghosts.

– I know the story dumbass. But I don't know how you knew it. All of the people who know about it are all dead.

I played with my fingers, scared to tell her. What if she runs away and jump? Or that she so afraid that she never speak to me again? Or, she doesn't believe me? After all, my own siblings never believed me before all of these.

– Charlotte and Wyatt, explained to me. Charlotte's through... that if... if you know they're here... with you... you wouldn't jump.

I manage to say, my voice shaking, my eyes fixing the floor and my fingers start to hurt, by bending them in all directions because of stress. I didn't hear her coming to me, and was surprised by her arms around me. So, when I realized she was crying I hug her back and cry with her.

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