We separated our lips and rested our foreheads against each other's. We were both breathing heavily and started laughing. 

"Thank you for this, Harry." I said, breaking the slience.

"Like I said. You deserve this." He replied and kissed my forehead. 

Harry stood up and reached for my hands to help me get up as well. We walked back down the creep stairwell, and eventually back to my room. It was around 6:30 am now.

"Are you tired? Do you need more sleep?" Harry asked me.

I, surprisingly, was wide awake. I shook my head as if to say. "no" and and smiled up at the beautiful boy in front of me. 

"Well I brought clothes for me to change into. Do you mind if I use your bathroom? That way, you can get changed in here." 

"No, go ahead. All yours. What would you suggest me wearing?" I asked no knowing what are plans were for the day.

"Erm.. just something casual I guess. Like jeans or shorts."

Harry walked into my bathroom and shut the door behind him. I went over to my closet and scanned for my favorite jeans. I picked out a shirt, grabbed a new bra and a pair of underwear, and started getting dressed. I was wearing my light-washed skinny jeans rolled up around the ankle, a red v-neck shirt, and my boots. I had to wait until Harry was out of the bathroom to brush my hair.

I was looking through my phone when I heard the bathroom door creek open. There stood Harry looking absolutely gorgeous. He was wearing fitted khakis, a fitted white v-neck, and a navy blazer. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. 

"You look great." He said scanning my body up and down. He crossed the room and a few swift steps and kissed my cheek. 

"I think you look better." 

I walked past him and into the bathroom to put on mascara and brush my hair. I decided to keep it straight down my back. I walked back over to Harry when i was finished and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Now what are we doing?" 

Harry checked the time on the phone. It was was 7:30am.

"Right this way, love." Harry said opening my door for me. We walked down the stairs and went into the car that was waiting for us. Harry got one of the driver's to be our escort for the day.

After about an hour long car ride, we arrived at our destination. I kept trying to get Harry to tell me where we were going, but he refused. I looked out the window and saw a beautful building.

We were at Madame Tussauds. I was ecstatic.

"You're going to meet all of your favorite celebrities today. I remember you telling me at dinner the first night I met you that this place was always somewhere you had wanted to visit. So here we are." Harry told me with a joyful tone.

Madame Tussauds is the famous wax statue museum. I had always wanted to go, and I'm surprised Harry remembered. It showed he cared about me. 

Harry took my hand in his and we walked together through the front doors.We first stopped at Robert Pattinson looking like Edward Cullen. We snapped pictures of each other putting on our best "vampire" face. Next was Lady Gaga. Harry pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, imitating her pose. I laughed and took his picture. We went around the whole museum and posed with about 40 wax figure celebrities. 

When we were done, Harry and I sat down on the bench outside of the museum and went through the pictures. By the time we finished, we were in hysterics. The pictures were hilarious. Harry went on his twitter and posted a few of his favorites.

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