Chapter Three

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Zayn walked to his locker trying to forget yesterday's events. Yes, technically, Zayn had to go to school.

He was only seventeen, but thankfully this was his last year. Sometimes, Zayn questioned all of this, of life.

What was the point? He just didn't get it.

"Because there is no point. Life is just a chance for you to have loads of fun, so take it," Jennifer, better known as Ms. Basset, spoke making Zayn roll his eyes. She was his health teacher.

"I can't remember the last time I had fun," Zayn mumbled under his breath trying to walk away before she started a conversation.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jennifer called making Zayn stifle a groan.

"To class."

"Really? Because I believe you have first period with me."

"Unfortunately," Zayn grumbled walking in the same direction as her.

"Hey, cut the attitude. I have had just about enough of you. One more visit to the principal's office, and you'll be expelled," she chastised.

"Well that'd be a miracle, wouldn't it?" Zayn smiled sarcastically before taking his seat in the back.

He zoned out as she began her lecture about mental health. He didn't give a shit about his mental health to be honest. He couldn't care less.

Instead, Zayn decided to let his mind roam and make up situations in his head. For instance, Jennifer could stroke out, and Zayn would leave. Or maybe the police would come in right now and arrest him for stabbing that man. That one actually scared him a bit.

"Remember guys, you need to A.C.T. Acknowledge that your friend may be suicidal, let them know that you care, and tell a trusted adult," Jennifer informed while Zayn just scoffed.

"Mr. Malik, do you want to remind the class of what I just said?"

"No, thanks for asking," Zayn feigned politeness before rolling his eyes. She was too naive and stupid. He hated her.

"Let me rephrase that, tell the class what I just said," Jennifer crossed her arms making the class 'ooh'.

"You don't need an echo. The whole class heard the dumb shit that you said. And guess what? People still kill themselves! You guys only talk about this because it had already happened, so stop pretending that you care, and move on. Kids still feel different, they still feel like they are the odd one out, they still self-harm, and this is not helping!" Zayn yelled not being able to contain his anger.

Everyone in the class went silent for a moment as they waited for Ms. Basset to send him to the office, or yell back, or both.

"Then enlighten us, Zayn. How do we help these people? Because clearly someone who is failing all of their high school classes, knows more than we do. Not the person who graduated college, but the person who can't graduate high school," Jennifer smirked while the whole class snickered.

Zayn felt tears build up in his eyes while his cheeks reddened with embarrassment. They weren't tears of sadness, but rather tears of anger and frustration. He felt so angry that if he stayed in that room, he might've punched that smirk right off of her smug face. He wished that that she would get fired and have to live on the streets. Then, she could talk to him about failing grades. Then, she could talk to Zayn about being suicidal.

"Oh, I'll enlighten you. You always wonder why your kid runs away when she knows that you'll find her, it's because any time away from you is a blessing! Open your fucking eyes! She self-harms, and your stupid A.C.T. hasn't changed it, but you don't care enough to see it. You didn't notice that she needed you, how is that love? If I were her, I would run away from you too!"

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